Greetings Steem Stars!
Sam here with some inner game guidance for your DTube Fitness success!
Today, I want to share a very simple process that you can use to quickly reduce and sometimes even resolve food cravings that might be sabotaging your healthy eating progress.
This is actually one of the subjects that was often showcased in early EFT demo's by it's creator Gary Craig, among others, as it was so effective and obvious that something had occurred.
One point I make early on is that it is really important not to feel deprived while cutting foods and other substances from your diet. This is because the resentment and stress caused by this can actually be counter-productive as it can produce the stress hormone cortisol.
Unfortunately, cortisol often causes you to store fat - precisely the opposite of what you are looking to achieve by adjusting your diet!
Therefore, taking things gradually can be better for many people than suddenly and dramatically cutting things you enjoy out of your life.
OK, with this in mind, if you'd like to explore using simple tapping to resolve cravings, go and grab your object of desire (Mmmmmm! Chocolate for me!) and get stuck in to todays VLOG.
IMPORTANT - as I'm not there with you, please pay attention to the disclaimer in the video and written below if you decide to use tapping for yourself.
This video is for entertainment only and you need to take full responsibility for your physical and emotional health if you decide to tap. The techniques that we are using are experimental and while they are usually very gentle and some people appear to have experienced excellent results, it is not possible to know in advance how an individual will respond. Tapping techniques may bring old memories and emotional responses to the surface and this can feel very powerful. As with all practices, whether complementary or normal medical/psychological, results can never be guaranteed. You are not recommended to ignore any medical advice and your primary care giver is always your GP.
For a basic EFT tutorial and downloadable PDF of tapping points and sequence, visit my website -
As always, I'd love to hear how you get on with this and if you have any questions regarding it, or would like to suggest a health and fitness based topic for me to explore with EFT and other tapping techniques, please comment below.
Wishing you awesome fitness success!
Sam x

▶️ DTube
Hey Sam,
Great video, thank you.
One question, should I wait until I have the craving to start tapping or can this be done as part of a morning routine?
You can definitely use tapping as part of a morning routine.
For cravings, you want to work specifically with the object of desire, as the intention is to get the feelings as strong as possible and then discharge the attachment to them, so either when you have the craving, or if you can bring it about by having the food there, sniffing it, tasting etc that is best.
Understood, I will try this today. I gave in an had a chocolate bar last night after not having any all week. Feel very guilty about that now. I shall start again.
Also, tap on the guilty feelings and let them be. Better that you enjoy that you had it, rather than feel bad - cortisol etc.
ok will do, ill report back and let you know how i get on.
Hey Sam, so I tried your tapping technique for a headache I was having, it cleared it!
I'm not sure if this has had an effect on my sweet tooth craving but I have not had one all day :-)
Im trying to get my wife to try tapping now.
Food cravings stop when you nourish yourself properly and regularly... but I like that tapping is a half way option for people while they get it together or maybe don;t have resources or time to answer their body's distress call. Nice job.
Some cravings do if it's merely down to a mineral deficiency or similar. However, there are some which have deeper roots than that.
For example, I worked with someone who was addicted to coffee and the root cause was a reminder of times she spent with her mum, who had passed away a couple of years beforehand. It was a powerful realisation and she was able to release a lot of stored sadness and grief, which then released her from the compulsion.
It didn't mean that she couldn't still have cofffee sometimes, but the attachment was resolved.
Hey there. Stopping by from the SMG group on Facebook where keni posted a memberlist. I thought I would check out everyone's blog. EFT is a really interesting modality. I started learning a little about it on Udemy. Hope to see more from you on the subject. See you around :)
Thanks for checking in :)
I will continue to. :)
This is good stuff Sam, and it does many times go deeper than just the craving. Many carvings are attached to a subconscious story, event, or wound. Nice job! 🙏
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Hey Sam. This was excellent. I really seeing this helping me in all kinds of areas in my life. I really truly believe in the mind body connections and how we store memories all over the body. Great, great, great stuff. Happy you're a part of out dtubefitness family!
Thanks Ozzie. We store stuff in cellular memory and also, outside of the body in our energy field and this information is picked up by the cells when triggered.
Great to be in the dtubefitnessfamily. I'll be doing my next Insanity workout in a bit!
Any specific areas you'd like me to do a tapping VLOG on, just let me know.
Hi bro, another great post. Loving your commitment and accountability to your fitness goals. We’re start ours as a couple this week too.
Just wanted to add this image that I came across this week. While of course I agree to what you and @sourceoftruth say about emotional triggers and anchors for treats.
I’m also of the school of @artemislives in that when we first fuel ourselves with abundance of nutrients and living foods! Those parasitic influences and past memories that do not serve our new goals in any way are ore often than not silenced by the good feeling story happening inside. Robert Cassar calls in internal terrain modification and is also a great resource for supporting winning the physical game. He’s got great stuff on YouTube if you’d be interested.
Anyway bro, dropping this here for those to consider ADDITIONALLY to their emotional anchors in food sources. That way together with tapping we can all succeed with our body, health and fitness goals!
Oh and hi @omitaylor thanks for the mention! I’m coming to your blog today too lol! Much love everyone 💗💯
Oh boy, you are retarded (not a surprise, really...)
This is the most pseudo-scientific shit I've seen in a long while. Craving sweets, you must need... 'carbon'? Lmao, you're a total dolt Keni. Go back to being a token porn star. Nutrition and tech are way beyond you.