250-400 DUNK Pickup Basketball Predictor

in #dunk3 years ago

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In just about 2 hours, @alexbuffone and I will be playing basketball at the local park in our town. We thought it would be fun to run a little contest on here regarding the outcome of our games and even post some video highlights if they come out well.

The Rules:

  • Best of three series to 15
  • 1 pointers and 2 pointers (instead of 2's and 3's)
  • 1v1 games

The Contest

Predict the winner of the game and win DUNK. Here are the payouts:

  • If @rob23 wins the series and you predicted that, you win 250 DUNK
  • If @alexbuffone wins the series and you predicted that, you win 400 DUNK

The History

I don't recall Alex ever winning the series. Sometimes he'll pull off winning a game, usually after I've eaten a huge meal or am feeling a bit sick. Today I am feeling good and ready to drain some jumpers.


If @alexbuffone hits one three pointer during the series, everyone who makes a prediction will win 50 DUNK!

ENTER NOW! It's free!

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Picking Rob, but others choose to jump in the game and staked 2-on-2 games break out. Winners get paid in DUNK, losers have to pay in DUNK. Signage goes up unofficially... local neighborhood park becomes the Dunksocial.io Community Park and it takes years for local officials to realize it.

This was great besides the part where you voted for Rob.

I feed of of negative energy, I won’t let my supporters down.

Finding a charitable source for the 400 DUNK I am going to win by taking @rob23

Going to have to take Alex on this one. Guy seems like he’s really feeding off of the negative energy. He will definitely hit a three as well.

I'll bite - Let's go with @alexbuffone with the upset.

Well I see that everyone is going for @rob23, but in this case I think @alexbuffone can surprise you.. Moral support for alexbuffone...