

@changxiu 北北 迎着沙尘暴 搭着巴士给您送来

吃饱了吗?跟我猜拳吧! 石头,剪刀,布~



You lose! 你输了!不给我点赞,你就再吃我一拳~

Hi @teamcn-shop,

Thanks for the delegation. I am having some trouble understanding your account's activity.

Could you clarify for me:

    • who owns this account
    • what is the purpose of this account

This is owned by @ericet. It’s just a project to make steemit more fun. Whoever mentioned teamcn-shop in the comments will receive a delicious food delivered to them and a upvote.
Plus you can play Rock Paper Scissors game with teamcn-shop. If win the game, you will receive nice upvote.
People in CN community love it and often give the comments upvotes. These upvotes are dusty upvotes, so I would like you help me collect these dusty upvotes.
All the rewards the teamcn-shop made will continue to lease SP to make teamcn-shop’s upvote more valuable.

Thanks for contacting me on discord @ericet and thanks for your understanding why the bunny won't be able to help out @teamcn-shop.

If I can think of something else that could work for your case I'll let you know!

Thanks so much!


@softmetal 软哥 在艳阳高照 开着的士给您送来

吃饱了吗?跟我猜拳吧! 石头,剪刀,布~
