DVS Payouts Changed To Rolling Average

in #dvs8 months ago (edited)

Code has been added to track DVS sell price throughout the day, and creates a 72 hour rolling average price of DVS. This average price will set the payout rate for HIVE delegations.

So right now we are waiting on more points of data to create this average, and our payouts will resume shortly.

What this means is, there will be no more dropping the price right before payout to increase the amount paid. If you wanna drop the price for that, it will have to be more full scale.

As for what to do about the access sent out? I'm gonna try and buy up what I can, those who wanna still use the program should take advantage of this dump and adjust their share.

Going to work on better tracking of vote farming for little to no content, and blacklist abuse leaving shares open for our users creating content. (I'm not too harsh a judge, I'll probably be too easy on everyone)

EDIT: Bot tracks cost to buy DVS through the day, posting a sell, then buying it up is unlikely to affect any of these data points. The order would have to remain unbought at this discount.


Hi @dhedge I have 501 HP delegation to you.


the ability to be on both sides of a trade is a flaw that needs to be fixed regardless of this particular abuse. consider the possibility of a bot making 10000 such trades in a 72-hour period at a price of 0.00001. in a low-volume market what is the average price??

blacklisting abuse and tracking of vote farming should help make dvs great again

I'm still curious what my delegation will do... I suppose it will take me a while to find out...

It pays 21% APR, paid daily in DVS tokens. Stake these tokens to build up a vote share, when you post, a portion of that share is automatically exchanged for an upvote on your post.

I don't know what DVS tokens are... I don't know how to Stake DVS tokens to build anything...

I'm starting to wonder how to get up-votes from you...

Please am trying it out, I just staked, is that all I have to do, will it be automated?

yes, just wait a day

great updates, I think this could work out

Going to work on better tracking of vote farming for little to no content, and blacklist abuse leaving shares open for our users creating content. (I'm not too harsh a judge, I'll probably be too easy on everyone)

This is an important point otherwise it will hurt the ecosystem as a whole

Maybe we could also add manual curators in the future?

The system allows for a full vote to be manually applied once per day, and if it's unused, that vote gets split up to users like the rest of the vote power. This vote could be split up into many smaller votes and allow a trusted curator to apply them. I did plan for that possibility when writing the code.

We would need a manual account, then setup this account to follow only when all conditions are met. The follow bot would check to see if it's a user that will already receive an upvote, make sure the post isn't too old, make sure it isn't a blacklisted user, ect, ect.

there are 3 accounts making up 62% of the total delegations to dhedge. surely this is not good.

Not ideal, but it's the way everything works everywhere. Look at the top 1% of hive accounts wealth vs everyone else, or any other token.

Unfortunately, delegation diversity is out of my control, and under the control of users like yourself who decide how much gets delegated.

i don't mean to be critical but this is a problem and your answer is not very imaginative. though you have no control over who delegates how much, surely there is a way to influence the economic incentive for extreme domination. just offhand, for example a roof establishing a maximum payout both for dhedge delegations and upvotes for staked dvs. if that example is not a good idea i am certain there are other ways

You're not wrong, also a little busy to put too much imagination into a reply.

Trying to get big players to reduce their delegation doesn't seem very good, I'd rather try and make it better for others to join and fill the void.

A better diversification method needs established for sure. As for upvotes, there's a couple caps built in already, with a little tinkering to reduce abuse, more shares will become available to our target users.

hey my dear,is there a place or use for the token DVS?

Stake these tokens to build up a vote share, when you post, a portion of that share is automatically exchanged for an upvote on your post.

  1. These votes are automatic just by having them in play and can be on any post of mine?
  2. DVS needs to be combined with dhedge, is there a minimum amount for this? Do I need to use # for this?

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hey, I have noticed that the APR for delegation has been quite lower than the advertised 21% since the changes (it is about 14-16%). This is probably because there is often quite a big spread on the order book and I guess you are calculating the payouts from snapshots from the sell order prices. May I suggest an update to the way you are calculating them: Perhaps you could make an average of the highest buy and lowest sell order when you make the snapshot (e.g. buy 0.3 and sell 0.4 => snapshot is 0.3+0.4/2=0.35); in that way we would have an even better average.

I wrote something new up two nights ago that goes along with the average to test out, and that's likely what you're seeing. It's just testing a few days to see what happens to try and stabilize things before it gets out of control. Basically APR is reduced if the price is below a certain point, stays at 21% in the green zone, and is increased if it's above a certain point. I haven't had a chance to write a post.

Without this, printing would get out of control and my plan to buy up the extras over the next few weeks would go up in smoke.

okay thanks for the feedback, looking forward to the post/updates