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RE: DVS and DHEDGE Update

in #dvs8 months ago

If user with 300 posts half as much as user with 600, their vote will be the same. If a user with 300 posts 1/4 as much as a user with 600, the user with 300 will get more. Your upvote shares build up over time, and are reduced each time you post, so it takes a bit for your DVS to reach their full potential.


Ok I understand, but since am a regular writer does that mean I must post less. Or does this mean, it will be distributed to my posts in the day, because I just realized my second post also got curated. Which in total is now more than the user with 300. Also does this mean that the more DVS I have the faster it builds

Ok I understand, but since am a regular writer does that mean I must post less.


Or does this mean, it will be distributed to my posts in the day,


Also does this mean that the more DVS I have the faster it builds

Yes kinda. It builds at the same speed, but each time it builds you receive a larger share giving the appearance of "faster".

Wow, then am buying the hell out of that shares