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RE: 'Earn Cryptocurrency' - Contest Results - 60,000 HP Delegated!

Yeah the DA ranking for is 90, peakd and at 36 when I checked yesterday.

canonical links are a part of peakd and posts too, but because they have started together (while was on it's own for a while), it's going to take a lot of effort to get them both rising up there.

. In a very short time hive has received a reasonable amount of inbound links from crypto news outlets. The hive community is also more used to promote its content on twitter, which may result in additional "social signals" and "live traffic" google measures when assessing the credibility of any site.

This is a good point, we have started strongly on the Twitter front with Hive and there will be plenty of back-links from a strong DA site.

They count root domains, and so it's a case of linking our posts everywhere we can - pinterest and instagram even :)