Who won the tug of fate?

in #eccency7 months ago

Probably I was in 6th standard when I first read,

“Hard work beats luck, if luck doesn’t work hard.”

In Quran The Almight ALLAH says

“Man gets for what he strives”

We hear a lot of cases when one worked really hard, gave his full commitment with consistency, and in the end what he dreamt. After this, we are left with energetic and impetuous thoughts that instigate us to sweat out for our dreams and not care about any sort of fatigue.

We hear too when someone worked very hard, gave his best but failed badly. This leaves us with condition where we just feel desolated and discouraged. Our mind turns lethargic and asks us not to step out because it all depends on luck.

Like many differences, people possess different points of view on this as well. For some luck is ultimate destiny. You do not have to bother you. Your luck will automatically take you to your final point.

But in the meantime, some think that the course of life doesn't depend on luck. Man made progress when he thought to work hard and experienced myriad of hardships. Otherwise he was just living in cages , hunting animals and fulfilling body needs.

When did my hard work pay me?

So I am actually the guy who gets things after striving. I have to plan and work to get desired things whether it is from any field. I can quote many examples when committed hard work paid me.
For example

  1. I reminisce about an event back when I was in the 7th standard. There was an intracollege competition and winners of that competition were to be sent as envoys in seminar organized by international organizations and NGO(Oxfam and WeCan). I remember i worked really hard on my written exam as well as presentation. We were given 7 days and i just totally indulged into it . I was dreaming me to sit on chairs of that seminar and guess what.…..?
    Yes, I was selected in those 7 candidates who were to be sent as ambassadors.

  2. Second I can quote about my matrix exams as well. My baba asked me the day I enrolled into my matrix class. “What is the goal”?
    I replied I will be top scorer of school in this exam too but baba said no
    I want you to be top scorer of our whole area. This line stuck into my mind for the two years. I left every other activity, focused just on studies and in the end day came when results were announced and I was at apex of list of my area.

There are many other examples as well when I succeeded just because I took shoulder of hard work to climb up.
Did hard work always paid me?

Answer is no

•I couldn't yield good marks in my Higher education despite my valour and efforts.

• I could not get me enrolled into a medical college .

• I couldn't pass FINAL interview of inter services selection board.

Did my luck favoured me?

I believe i am not that lucky. Like i am lucky to be in great family . I am lucky to get food. I am lucky to afford many of my wills but i am not that lucky to get success in any thing without working hard on it.
I don’t even remember if i had ever won a lottery 😂
I don’t remember If i ever had 100x profit on any of crypto coins i ever stocked.
So I can’t quote atleast any of my stiry where luck made me fly on horizan.


If hardwork is key to success ,luck also plays role in our life . If with hardwork we experience,learn and groom our abilities then luck is also like an eccentric power that can bring confounding outcomes.

They solely can do good but not all the times but when they form a duo ,they do wonders. That’s what I believe for consistent success ,you must have both luck and hard work .

This my entry for hivelearners weekly post.
Looking forward to see exciting comments.

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