in #ecency2 years ago (edited)

Hello how are you i hope you are fine

Today I am going to post this for the hive community and I want to apologise to the hive community for whatever mistake I made. When we started working on the hive we were two friends and we were each other's. Wanted to work together and we didn't know it was against the community guideline at the time so we shared our keys with each other and because of that we had to face a lot of difficulties on the hive. Have been

My account name is @ abdullah316 and my friend's account name is @ fearless879 and @shazaib7908 We both shared our keys with each other. We did not know that these sharing keys 🔑 are against guaidline and another issue is with us. It just so happened that we posted a cryptocurrency information in ecency community which caused our boast is stopped.Ecency stopped my boast and promotion we are also detected by hivewatcher and now we are not getting any vote on our posts and our boast will stop and we are facing difficulties.

I would therefore like to apologize to the entire hive community and also to hivewatcher and ecency for what happened to me was wrong I did not know about it so forgive me We have returned all our keys that we shared with each other and my keys are now saved and now my keys and no one else has them so everything that happened to me before is wrong. I apologize for that and after that I will try my best not to make such a mistake again.

I apologize to hive community so please run my boast again and forgive me.after today i will work fine and i will try not to make any mistake and i Be sorry

