Fraudulent companies GoldenAntMiner and ETC Cloud Ltd, the Colombian mafia and the use of fake profiles on Telegram

in #ecency4 months ago

The recent discovery reveals an alarming network of manipulation and scams involving fraudulent companies GoldenAntMiner and ETC Cloud Ltd, the Colombian mafia and the use of fake profiles on Telegram. This complex plot has been woven with the aim of deceiving innocent people and stealing large sums of money.


Rosalinda scammer +34 675 617 077
Both fraudulent companies have employed a Ponzi scheme disguised as cryptocurrency investment opportunities. By promising extraordinary returns, they attracted thousands of unsuspecting investors who deposited significant sums on their platforms. However, in reality, these profits were illusory and based solely on money contributed by new investors, thus creating an unsustainable structure that would eventually collapse.

Several media outlets have reported on this type of scam, especially the ETC Cloud LTD scam that has stolen thousands of dollars from people in Latin America such as El Salvador, Ecuador, Venezuela, Colombia and Panama: [ person-behind-the-big-scam-of-etc-cloud-ltd-who-is-ryan-collado-cruz/]( big-etc-cloud-ltd-scam-who-is-ryan-collado-cruz/)

The participation of the Colombian mafia in this network of scams has exacerbated the situation. These criminal organizations have used these fraudulent platforms as fronts for their illicit operations and money laundering. Drawing on their experience in illegal activities, they have supported these scams and used intimidation tactics to silence those who try to expose their activities. Scams are also very popular in El Salvador.

The scam is commonly carried out using the USDT cryptocurrency on the Tron network due to its security and tracking issues: support-tron

One of the tools used to perpetrate these scams has been Telegram, an online messaging platform. By creating convincing fake profiles, scammers have established groups and conversations on Telegram, where they pose as investment experts and financial advisors. Through social engineering and emotional manipulation, they have persuaded people to deposit money into their accounts, promising quick and sure profits.

These manipulation tactics and use of fake profiles on Telegram have created a network of deception and confusion making it difficult to identify the perpetrators and recover lost funds. The lack of regulation and security in cryptocurrency transactions has allowed these scams to proliferate and scammers to operate with impunity.

There are telegram groups like ETC CLOUD LTD Leaks ( and GOLDEN ANT MINER LEAKS (https://t. me/GOLDENANTMINERLEAKS) who have joined several of the victims in order to investigate the scam and make complaints on different platforms and entities.

It is essential that authorities and law enforcement agencies come together to dismantle this network of scams and bring those responsible to justice. Additionally, education and public awareness are vital to preventing future victims from falling into these financial traps. Precautions should be taken when interacting online, verify the authenticity of people and investment opportunities, and never provide sensitive financial information without proper verification.

The intersection of manipulation, cryptocurrency Ponzi schemes, Colombian mafia involvement, Telegram scams, and fraudulent companies GoldenAntMiner and ETC Cloud Ltd reveals a complex and dangerous web of financial deception. Awareness, regulation and collaboration between authorities are essential to combat these scams and protect investors from future deceptions.

Who are the scammers:

They are Ryan Collado Cruz, Rosalinda +34 675 617 077 and Louis, ETC Cloud LTD scammers who now send investment proposals to many people on Telegram and obtain high returns.