
Thankfully the rain is here my friend ad the fierce heat was broken today.
Tomorrow it will also be cooler and if the wind dies down, then that fire will be finally beaten.
Only until the next one comes.

Cheers and thanks!

Great, the rain will kill the fire and bring life back to the burnt land. Hopefully it won't happen so soon again.

Cheers and !BEER

In 2018-March 2019 there were 14000+ fires in the province Hannes.
That's only our province out of 9 provinces in the country. The Township fires are the most dangerous, as there are very little space between the shacks and those fires have claimed many human lives.
Almost every week there is a fire in one or another township.

I so wish that all of the townships could be demolished and that decent houses could be built for the people.

Cheers and thanks!

These are a lot of fires, Zac, no wonder it's so hot down there ;) ... sorry for that, but this joke had to be 😂

As I wrote in my other reply, it's also the fault of the people, and "normal" houses can burn too.

Cheers and !BEER

Hahaha, I think some enterprising entrepreneur should can the heat and export it to the snow laden countries 🤣

We actually saw the start of a fire when the farm laborers cleared a harvested land and they set fire to a heap of old produce.
Luckily the fire department was called out and they stopped the fire, as the wind had already spread it across a part of the land. The local farmers also gathered to help.

Cheers and thanks.

They should ban fire burning of waste on farms and rather collect the waste in skips to dispose of it safely at waste stations. The country is crying that there is no employment and many can be employed as waste clearers.

But the snow laden countries love their snow 😉

Burning waste is forbidden here, especially things like tires and such, and if farmers burn fields for some reason or the railway company burns the embankment of the railway, the fire department has to be informed. Maybe there are even more restrictions, but that's all of my knowledge about such things.

This idea is great, but you would have to let the farmers pay for collecting their waste if the government has no money to pay the new workers.

Cheers and !BEER

Yes, I have also heard from others that they have strict fire rules and laws, but in bigger countries such as South Africa and Australia it is not always people that start fires.
Mother nature also walks around with a Zip lighter in her pocket, as it gets very hot here and things get very dry. When a rock falls down a mountain and on its way strike other rocks, then there's sparks and they start fires. Lightning bolts also start fires and there's many other things in nature that can go wrong.
Be that as it may, the human side of things should be strictly controlled.
Sadly there are also deliberate fire starters around, "arsonists" and they also present a big problem.
Thankfully our fire fighting teams are very well trained.

Yep, the farmers will have to pay in any case my friend.

Cheers and thanks.

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