Kucoin is working hard to build a better Cryptoverse and I am working hard to create a steady flow of passive income on Kucoin! It's not always the airdrop hunt, or the search for gems... sometimes is the participation on competitions and events!
I am re-building my crypto wealth and a little party always creates positive vibes. Kucoin was launched over 5 years ago, August 2017, and constantly evolved since then.
The Kucoin growth was organic, and it took only few months to reach 1,000,000 registered users. It was one of the most rapid evolution and a prime example of crypto industry development.
Three years later and another amazing achievement ... Kucoin was named by Forbes Advisor as one of the Best Crypto Exchanges in 2021. The award came as a proof of customer focus development.
One million users in 2018 and this was just the beginning. Kucoin reached 10,000,000 global users in December 2021, flexing muscles and earning a position in the top 5 Crypto Exchanges in the world.
The number of global users doubled by July 2022, from over 200 countries and regions. I am proud I was one of the early users, joining Kucoin in 2018. I took advantage of several offers, competitions and events ... and I slowly built a passive income portfolio.
Some offers are totally lame, like the x1 trading fee rebate coupon, specially when I don't do much trading. Claimed the coupon and then let it expire. I think that Kucoin could credit more person-centred coupons.
Another annoying thing on Kucoin is the Burning Drop! I never ever managed to register to one, as it fills in seconds. I tried over ten times and I was ready to commit my KCS before the event went live, but it always the same story! First try looks like going through but then it pops as failed, then it's full in less then 5 seconds.
At least I keep earning KCS, at a steady pace. I earned 1.38 KCS until now and I will probably achieve my set goal of 20 tokens by the end of the year. Hopefully the Kucoin tokens will have more utility in 2023!
I decided to make it happen, and made sure I reached 20 KCS by the end of 2022. I waited for the AMPL withdraw from Publish0x and bought 5 KCS at discounted price. I think I've done a good deal by buying Kucoin Shares at only 7.84 USD.
Kucoin shared their wallets after the whole FTX drama, showing they are stable and ready to fill the gap. The best thing they've done during those hard times was to start an anti-FUD campaign. The memes I seen in there were quality, and maintained some good vibes during the crypto winter. Who you gonna call? Kucoin FUD-busters!
I keep adding new cryptocurrencies on Kucoin, and some of them are true low-cap gems. I hope the Content Creators Competition will return, as the rewards were good. I received some ETHW crumbles after the merge, and 1 USDT for participating in the Essay contest for Kucoin's Anniversary. Even small gains are better than no gains.
Kucoin Shares ($KCS) are my main asset, with 23.6 shares available. Ethereum and DOGE are the next cryptocurrencies in the top, with decent amounts in my wallet, and both have earning options available. The $CAKE and $OLE are long term gambles, and hope they will slowly grow to top values.
Going down on the list, where the strange things are, I still hold $PMON, $FITFI, $IPC, MoonWell and HotCross. I still have hopes for for most of them, and may 2023 bring new All-Time Highs!
Few days until this cursed 2022 will finish, and there are genuine signs of recovery. Wishing you all a HAPPY NEW YEAR, many crypto gains and ... please don't spread the FUD!
Residual Income:
DeFi bounty at CakeDeFi with $30 DFI for new user
The fountains: PipeFlare ZCash, GlobalHive ZCash & GetZen