Pandemic exploded demand for bee products!

in #ecency3 years ago


Source: Medium

I thought the pandemic would affect beekeeping positively. It was not exactly what I thought, but it is a fact that awareness has increased ...


Source: Medium

I love reading and writing on beekeeping and honey. I believe it is one of the most important ecological balances in nature. The third of the trivet is its flowers and flora. More flowers, more honey ...

I thought the pandemic would affect beekeeping positively. It was not exactly what I thought, but it is a fact that awareness has increased.

**The most important crisis of beekeeping; bee diseases
The most important crisis threatening beekeeping in recent years is bee diseases. To solve the problem, it is necessary to focus on two points: The feeding of the bees and the fight against the varroa lice species. The pandemic of bees is also the varroa parasite. Good nutrition of bees is possible with rich flora. Especially the presence of endemic and wild flowers is their cure. Combating Varroa parasites should become the job of veterinarians as well as a government policy.


Source: Medium

Research on bees and honey, which has 190 thousand academic publications, is increasing every year. And we get interesting new information. One of them came from Africa.


Source: Medium

Elephant herds are at the top of the list of threats to agricultural land in Africa. If 12 hives and puppet hives (similar to a hive made of wood) are placed around one decare of land, the elephants do not enter the land. Bee buzz keeps elephants abducted. In other words, the bees that add abundance to the crops in the field also protect the land.


Source: Medium

In addition, we can list the known benefits of propolis, which has 80 times higher antioxidant activity than pomegranate juice, which is known as antioxidant:
Antimicrobial (against bacteria, fungi, mold, viruses and parasites), antioxidant and liver protector, strengthens the immune system. It increases antibody production in the body by activating B and T lymphoxides. It prevents DNA synthesis in tumor cells and causes the destruction of tumor cells.