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RE: Corona Crisis - Hertz files for bankruptcy today

in #economics4 years ago

Ahhhhh. I had heard a couple weeks ago that Hertz was in deep. Here in the US there is a thing: Late Friday announcements of bad news. It's done to give the weekend for people to process it before reacting Monday.

That means that there are 500,000 more used cars on the market today than there were yesterday. Prices and volume were already WAY off. 40% of volume and somewhere near that on prices. The used car business is toasted here.

It'd be a good time for you to buy a C-6 Corvette. Hertz bought 5000 of them just recently....

And yes, the stock market seems completely detached. Record unemployment equals a stock market surge? What?


That would be a good way to park money in not an used C-6. I think it will be a good investment as an oldtimer when the prices drops now.

Yes, the state money issued for recovery is used on stocks now, which is insanity as it's best. Stay safe my friend!