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RE: What Is Financial Value?

in #economics6 years ago

I think we are all tricked into believing we must be in system where you must use some form of money. When I say money, I mean numbers. That all comes from our false sense of separation where we don't trust each other, so we sort of need proof our work will be appreciated, so we need proof such as paper/coin money(numbers) or digital money(numbers). Without that, you have only belief that it will be appreciated. Because our appreciation of work is measured in money(numbers) all over the planet and we don't have society where everyone contribute without any need for money, you must give money(numbers) as appreciation for the work. But don't think it has to be that way...

We can build (change our perception) society where we can realize we only need to exchange goods without any need for money. I don't mean only on food, I mean on everything. There is no need for fighting anyone, we already can live in abundance of everything. Just need to trade it with each other and we are all free. I know there will be fear that your work might not be appreciated, so you want proof...and we come back to money again. That is one key reasons I believe money system is based on fear.

Imagine situation where we evolve and realize have infinite trust in each other...will we then need money? I don't think so, because we could built society where you will know your work will be valuated so you will not have need proof such as money(numbers).

You make invention, give it to the whole planet and in the return you can use other goods people make. Same apply for someone who works in some field for example. He produced food and because of it he can use other goods people made. We make circle like that and don't have need for money(numbers) at all. That all can't happen until we spiritually evolve and start to trust each other.

(Definitely topic for few posts)