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RE: The truth about money

in #economics7 years ago

Oh, I am all for change. And the interest based system is a machine for enslavement. But even within that system, people are able to do things differently (yes - only to an extent until some regulations and/or government shut it down.
Here is an example. Housing is very expensive here and the loans are usually 30 years. If you default at any time - house gone with everything you put into it.
A real estate friend of mine told me of a group of 20 families who all bought one house together. They all moved into the house, worked like crazy. Paid it off in a matter of a few month. Then, they bought another house. Half moved into the new house. Everybody worked. paid it off. And they did that until everyone had a house. Paid off. But most people would not be willing to live that close with others even for a short time - or trust that their turn will come too.
Actually, on our podcast, we have featured lots of people who are creating different kinds of economic models and so forth.
Her is to change :)


People are amazingly creative in any situation they are put in! I'm just saying if they didn't start with such an unfair system they would have never had to go to those extremes to make it. The system is rigged. I am not claiming to have any answers, I just want people to understand the game they are playing in (hence the videos).
Sounds like you have a pretty cool podcast. how can i check it out?
And yes, here is to change! ;)

Agreed. The system is very rigged and has been for a long time - it seems ever since we left the hunter and gatherer lifestyle social injustice has been a pattern. Hopefully, we can break it or at least mitigate it a bit. Here is a link to our website.
If you scroll through, the ones maybe the most to this theme are on Ubuntu, Transition, Venus Project, the ones with Chris Agnos. But there are more....