Debasement of American Dollars

in #economylast month


The above image was made by @amberjyang with Midjourney using the prompt 'american dollar bill as a sponge and it's dripping green liquid.'

In the US, official inflation numbers are a joke. This Bureau of Labor Statistics calculator suggests that cumulative inflation since 2017 has amounted to about 27%. That's an outrageous figure, yet according to data compiled by the Chapwood Index, inflation in the largest 100 cities in the country has actually been averaging between 8.7% and 13.5% every year since 2017.

Legacy media's hand wringing about the cost of living crisis doesn't even come close to capturing the gravity of the situation. Nor do mainstream outlets ever mention the real causes of this crisis:

  1. A conspiracy of greed has taken hold of nearly all big companies, resulting in endless price increases across the board.
  2. Parasitic industries have inserted themselves into more and more areas, driving up costs.
  3. Outlandish government spending has been rapidly debasing the American dollar.

The direct debasement of our currency is particularly egregious because it functions as a hidden tax on everyone who uses dollars. As an independent contractor, despite earning a relatively low income, my taxes are already absurdly high. But the debasement of the currency sends my true tax rate into the stratosphere. And millions of people are in a similar boat.

The government is stealing our money by diluting the value of that money. The corporate world is forcing us to pay more and more for basic necessities like food, housing, and medical care. If we had an actual free market, we could seek out more affordable alternative sources for these necessities. But we don't have a free market. We have a heavily manipulated market.

To be honest, I don't understand why there aren't riots in the streets over this. Maybe there would be if more people understood what was happening. As things stand, almost no one is even talking about this problem. It's nowhere in public discourse. This is sadly unsurprising because our news and social media are heavily censored.

For average people, the economy has gone haywire. Although the emerging crypto economy has the potential to improve the situation, regulators have been working tirelessly to prevent that from happening. Crypto promises financial disintermediation and our system favors parasitic middlemen. And big banks own both political parties.

My greatest fear here is that our insane economy is priming the masses for some drastic course of action, prescribed by the control regime, that will make everything worse. Pressure is building throughout society. The situation is unsustainable and change is inevitable. The regime that produced this situation surely plans to control this change. Will we go along with the program or try something else?

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The government is just making life hard for everyone. People are not earning enough and they are still imposing high taxes on them

Yes the situation is untenable.

Super powerful, and actually infuriating that there aren’t protests about this.

Ever since I started learning about how big banks and covert government forces facilitate illegal activities like drug trafficking and money laundering, I now think the argument that illegal activity will explode with crypto is such a blatant denial of the crimes already happening by powerful figures. And yet how would we regulate criminal activity if crypto became more mainstream?

Yes it's hard to take the official story seriously after you peek behind the curtain. There's crime in crypto, but there's much more crime in dollars. The current US strategy is to regulate the exchanges where crypto meets dollars.