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RE: Ethnic Lisu Cuisine - Punnee's Vegan & Vegetarian Kitchen

in #ecotrain5 years ago

It's called "the protein myth" - the idea that you have to consume complete proteins form animal sources. You don't. Vegetables, beans, legumes all contain the essential amino acids for your body to assimilate its own perfect proteins - no difficult digestive issues either! I hope soon you will be able to travel and to learn from other countries around you. :)


@artemislives in our country, we eat caraotas and lentils.
At the moment it is the cheapest, along with rice.
There are other things that can no longer be bought, which are nutritious like beans.

Rice & lentils with a few wild greens is maybe the BEST HEALTHIEST DIET EVER! Enjoy & try to see this part of your country's struggle as a gift.

That's right, every day is a gift and we should enjoy it according to our possibilities.