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RE: How Steemit has changed my life and unintentionally become my only source of income! THANK YOU!

in #ecotrain6 years ago (edited)

Wow! I feel like so much of what you wrote hits home for me. I am sure my husband would have the same sentiments. I also love that you found this life-changing shift 7 months ago. I also had a life-altering experience 7 months ago when I welcomed our twins into this big crazy world. My husband and I have big dreams of building a homestead, building a permaculture property, and giving back to the community. The process seems long and arduous as he is stuck in his current job to help fund our transition. He found Steemit during his paternity leave and coaxed me over from the souless entity of facebook. Now we feel reinvigorated and can see a light at the end of the tunnel and we are excited to share our journey! I too feel like the Steemit community is so awake and there are so many amazing people at every turn! I feel like I could write you a novel, and probably have by now, so I will end by saying: Congratulations on your big leap! I wish all the best for your journey. -Aimee