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RE: Back from who-knows-where - about friendship, and loss

in #ecotrain4 years ago

Thank you for your kind words @riverflows! Yes, I think the issues now, and in the aftermath of the lockdown is a sad reality. Too many people are suffering alone, with no one to turn to. From the nursing homes, to people who live alone, with or without mental issues. Aside from Olivia, I've heard of one more person just last week who took his own life. It was the husband of one of my customers. Leaving her and 4 children behind. I think if people were already struggling, this only made things worse. I know I feel like bursting sometimes!
In my case, the only thing I want to do, and can do when I'm feeling lost is either go out in nature or write.
I needed to do this, not just for me, but also for her. By telling the people here who she was, it's like she's with us just a bit longer. She was an amazing woman, had overcome so much. Such a shame she couldn't do it any longer.