in #educated6 years ago

Source: httpsgooglimagesvw7kn3

Already in the last century, there were quite a number of West Africans, chiefly in the British colonies, who had received their higher education. Several of these men had received their higher education in Europe.

Though on their return home, they did not scorn the traditional life of their own people, the educated men did form a new class.
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In the course of the present century, their number increased steadily. These men were prepared for better positions in their country.

Although most of these people were just as well educated as the European officers who were sent to Africa to rule the people, they could not rise to high position in the government service, simply because they were African.

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Nor were given any real say in the government of their own country. Because they were Africans, they were generally regarded as unfit for high positions of trust.

In those days when the exceptional West African, by don't of hard work, rose to any of the honoured positions, it was the custom to say that he held a ' European appointment ' !

Denied the chance of securing suitable jobs, the educated West Africans became more and more dissatisfied. They could see that some of the European officers were less educated or intelligent than themselves.

There was much discontent because the colonial system, at the time, encouraged some European officials to feel and think that they were superior to the Africans and to look down on them