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RE: Only a fool ...

in #education7 years ago

Have you ever taken psychedelic drugs? If not, then how can you know that they do not help you to find the answers that are within you?

You see, we can both read the Quran, and we can both follow the precepts of Islam (or any religion), and then we would be equally knowledgeable of the religion (although not necessarily knowledgeable of God). However, in order to understand the beauty and truth that abides for those who take psychedelics, one first has to take psychedelics, enter their mindset, and learn to see things their way. It is not very different from reading a book—books, after all, elicit the release of natural drugs in the brain that can cause a person to feel emotional, religious, or any number of feelings.

God is truly transcendent, and beyond our understanding. And yet god is here with us. It is the breath in your lungs and the thoughts in your mind.

