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RE: Building a future position on Steem

in #education6 years ago

I run my own business too and have done for about 5 years now. It challenges me everyday and sucks a lot of time and energy. although I do enjoy the work, I could do without the chasing clients, paperwork and of course, taxes.

I think one day Steem could be a revenue stream for many that frees them to earn while doing something they love. It might not replace work but it could give a little bump in value and spirit.


Yeah, I hear you. I had a major setback last year. Have to start everything all over again. Gives me time to think about how I can make changes. Freedom is essential for me and doing production and all by myself was not that enjoyable actually. I would like to find partners or a community and I am considering going to a sunnier place. Currently I work in a toy store I appreciate the environment but being employed does not work for me. We shall see. It would be great if this platform could end up being a support.