No Suitable Candidates - I Withhold Consent

in #election4 years ago (edited)

My criteria:

  1. No Initiation of Force
  2. Close a Department / Repeal a Law
  3. Audit the Fed

I'm actually a lot more "hard-lined" than this. But I realize there's no possible way a candidate will check every single box for everything I'm actually after. That's why I define my criteria here, more watered down. I think these are attainable, in theory.

But a candidate will have to earn my vote. Otherwise, I'm happy not to vote.

No Initiation of Force

I will allow force if there is a moral reason. There's a difference between "no initiation of force" and "no force."

This means that if there is no victim, there is no crime.

Since the NAP is pretty "hard-lined," I will consider someone who just authorizes constitutional laws. But even setting the bar that low is a problem. I get how this can be side-stepped and contorted into pretty much anything. As Lysander Spooner said:

But whether the Constitution really be one thing, or another, this much is certain - that it has either authorized such a government as we have had, or has been powerless to prevent it. In either case, it is unfit to exist.

If candidates would at least pay lip service to this document, I admit that would be a step in the right direction.

Close a Department / Repeal a Law

If you are seeking office, have a plan to help abolish any federal department. This can't be too difficult. There are so many.

Or, optionally return a department to the private sector, if it serves a useful role and can justify itself with voluntary funding.

For example, close federal interest in NASA. Let them continue doing their certifications and get funding from the companies that want to be certified. This might mean that STS needs to shut down if it can't get voluntary funding.

Then again, maybe STS can set up a deal with the military to keep doing launches. I'd prefer not, but it'd be a step in the right direction.

If not NASA, just pick some other department to close. Or, if you really can't do it, pick a law to repeal. Ideally, both.

For candidates seeking state offices, my target is still federal departments. So if you're seeking state office, develop a plan to compete with a federal department so that the federal department becomes redundant and fit for closure. It would help if this state solution was funded voluntarily.

For example, define a state office of disease control as an alternative to the CDC. Then beg for donations from people in the state.

Audit the Fed

It's really not about auditing The Fed. It's about abolishing The Fed. Quantitative Easing (aka inflation) debases the dollar.

But you have to start somewhere. May as well start with an audit.

No candidate runs on a platform like this. Therefore there are no suitable candidates for me to vote for. I will not compromise on my criteria. Therefore, I will not vote. I withhold consent.


This is completely reasonable, yet no candidate comes even close. I really don’t know what the long term solution is. I like the idea of term limits. Otherwise your job is to get re-elected for 50 years, not actually solve problems.

Yeah, I'm whatever with term limits. Lipstick on a pig, to me. Although, it's a good barometer for detecting corruption. How serious are you for term limits? Very serious? Part of your campaign? Great. Did you do anything to actually ratify term limits once in office? No? Funny that.

The LP can't even seem to get this kind of campaign running.

Wow, muy instructivo tu post,, es una gran verdad, te dejo mi voto y te sigo.

Did Brock Pierce make the ballot there?
He did here.

I skip voting politicians, but I don't miss voting down taxes and stupid state questions.
That is voting that occurs even without a gov't.

As for consent, when a cop makes a claim, he should have to back it up in court.

He claims to have a 'right' to control me with violence.
Where did those folks get the idea that they had 'a right' to control me with force?
I have no 'right' to control you with force, nor you me, nor us them, nor they us.
Who told these morons that they had an exception to that fact?

I say the emperor has no clothes, and we should start pointing that out, loudly.