How Elections Continue T Be Stolen in the United States

in #elections7 months ago

I just went to vote. Half way through the explanation from one of the helpers that their machines have been switching votes all day so I should double check my ballot.... I just held up my hand and explained........ "then I'm not voting on the machine."...I continued...." If you've been paying attention, that's how they have been stealing elections and they're not going to steal my vote today." They prepared my wife and I paper ballots, which we have receipts for to confirm our votes.

I asked if they would like to see my identification and they replied "no that's not necessary". I replied...."That's very disappointing."

Anyone that thinks our elections are secure at this point are fucking morons. This is happening every federal, state and local elections.

The machines belong in the scrap yard. Identification should be required. I could have been voting proxy for someone who isn't voting and they have no way to check it. The process is criminal, corrupt, and commonplace in all elections now.

Our republic was stolen years ago. If we want it back, it's going to be messy.


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