More on Football madness

in #eminenteu7 years ago

You will recollect that I stated a series here yesterday that bothers on the current cash madness that is fast taking over our beautiful game.

That PSG snapped Neymar off the wage bill of the Catalan giants is no news, the news however is the fact that that PSG used a tool that was before now the sole right of football Aristocrats, with Barca being a prominent member of these elite group . Simply put, Barca were simply BULLIED into selling Neymar by an equally (if not richer) rich PSG, you will all remember how big teams, Baca inclusive used to bully other teams into selling players , they only needed to show interest and teams would pee in their pants in the anticipation of losing their major playes.

Well, tha tables have turned and the hunters are being hunted as it is, its great sometimes to have a taste of your own pills.

See ya again morrow.
