
in #emptiness7 years ago

A train of thoughts is always running in the mind. Trust me there was no time when your brain was empty. By empty I mean thinking absolutely nothing.

Want to go on a journey with me to the emptiness? Emptiness? Good question. Where is emptiness? What is it? What does it look like?

Wait wait. So many questions at once.

Emptiness is nowhere and still everywhere. It is nothing and still everything. It looks like.. well you’ll have to come with me to see it. Rather experience it will be the correct phrase.

Do feelings have a start or an end? Or middle? Suppose you have your one feeling in your hand in physical form. Not possible, but still suppose you create a string of your one emotion. Where does it start? Where does it end? Hold it from anywhere. Is this the middle of your emotional string? Answer is yes and no.

Now pluck this string. Not too hard. See what’s coming out. It’s the memories. Memories related to that emotion. Memories which created that emotion.

Now let go off the string. Not only this one. But all the strings you’ve gathered over years.

This is what emptiness looks like. No emotions. Absolutely none.

See those countless galaxies. Including the one from which I picked you up. The milky way. Beautiful. Aren’t they? Countless stars emitting light through countless galaxies. Look at your right, an ant is taking some food for her family. I always wonder how hardworking these creatures are. Hey, give way to the gentleman honking his car’s horn behind you. From the electrons orbiting the nucleus of the atom to the Jupiter orbiting sun, from a grain of sand to these mighty Galaxy and it’s clusters. Maybe to the multiverse. Feel all of them going into a small source of light. Look closely, that small source of light is million times brighter than our beloved sun.

Or this is what emptiness looks like? Feeling whole of your universe, uniting into one.
Maybe there’s no fixed answer. As I told you, it can only be experienced.

But most importantly without emotions. Each and every memory is connected to an emotion. Try and let go off the memories.

Feeling empty?20170523_002431.png