Private revelations aggregated on Saturday, March 14, 2020 at 10:08 PM.

in #endtimes4 years ago

Visionary: Maureen Sweeney-Kyle, Holy Love Ministries, North Ridgeville, Ohio
Received on: Friday, March 13, 2020
Message URL:

Once again, I (Maureen) see a Great Flame that I have come to know as the Heart of God the Father. He says:

"My children, My Heart is very mournful as I speak to you today. I mourn the loss of prayer - an effort that had to be canceled due to the human condition. I so looked forward to meeting you in the United Hearts Field. Now, we will wait until you are less distracted by this coronavirus. I will meet you in our Field on August 2nd. In the meantime, offer the same prayers on April 19 that you would have if you were here. I hear every prayer no matter where it is offered. I am Omnipotent."

"Take Satan's attempts at disrupting this event as a sign to you of the importance of My Call to you to be united in prayer and to receive My triple Blessing. You will receive the same blessing - My Patriarchal Blessing, My Apocalyptic Blessing and My Blessing of Light - in August. Therefore, celebrate this new plan of ours. Satan will never outdo us in perseverance. This health threat - this virus - is permitted as a sign of these latter times before My Son returns in victory. It is life-changing in My attempt to awaken the sleepy conscience of the heart of the world. I mourn the fact that it takes such measures to do so. I saw all of this coming, but woefully, I had to permit it."

Visionary: Maureen Sweeney-Kyle, Holy Love Ministries, North Ridgeville, Ohio
Received on: Friday, March 13, 2020
Message URL:

The Blessed Virgin Mary says: "Praise be to Jesus."

"Dear children, do not feel deprived of any grace due to this virulent virus that is going around. Look forward to the Feast of Our United Hearts on June 21st. Then, with grateful hearts, await the great Feast of God the Father on August 2nd. The graces will be plentiful. We will meet those days without the threat of disease-driven attacks by Satan. The August event also falls on My Feast of the Holy Angels. So, rejoice!"

[ Next promised apparition on Sunday, June 21, 2020 during the 3pm Ecumenical Prayer Service in the Field of the United Hearts (Field of Victory). ]

Visionary: Maureen Sweeney-Kyle, Holy Love Ministries, North Ridgeville, Ohio
Received on: Saturday, March 14, 2020
Message URL:

Once again, I (Maureen) see a Great Flame that I have come to know as the Heart of God the Father. He says:

"My children, this pandemic is a difficult trial. Understand no disease can separate you from the power of My Grace - only sin can do that. While many conveniences - even necessities are difficult to acquire now, you cannot be quarantined from My Power. This knowledge needs to be your security now."

"This cross is being experienced by all My children all over the world. It is a reflection of the blanket of evil that is attempting to smother all the good in the world. The virus can be avoided with great care. The symptoms have been identified and can be treated. The evil that covers the earth, however, cannot be so easily identified and therefore avoided."

"While health officials urge you to stay away from large crowds - and rightfully so, I am urging you to join together spiritually and to crowd Heaven with your prayers. Pray that this disease is short-lived and that no one dies an unprovided death."

My children, I thirst for your prayers."

Visionary: Valentina Papagna, Australia
Received on: Saturday, March 7, 2020
Message URL:

First Saturday Prayer Group The Prayers of Little Children

Today, I attended my first Saturday prayer group. We all gathered around the beautiful Blessed Mother Statue to start the Rosary prayers, praying all three Mysteries, starting with the Joyful Mysteries.

In our group today, we had three young children from the one family, two brothers and a sister. Usually only adults attend but today was very special.

Blessed Mother appeared right away, as soon as we started to pray. She smiled and said, “How good it is to see young children gathering in prayer around Me.”

Then opening Her arms wide, Blessed Mother said, “Come close to Me.”

At that moment, I was kneeling next to the statue of Blessed Mother. The statue was set on a long table, which was covered with a beautiful tablecloth, and upon which sat a lovely arrangement of fresh flowers.

Blessed Mother once again said, “Come closer my child. I prefer that you are near me and kneeling because we love you so much.”

She meant this for all of us who were gathered there. She wants all of us to be close to Her.

She said, “Especially today, I delight in the three young children that are among you. They each receive a special Grace. Tell them that anything they ask for in prayer, shall be granted, even for the sicknesses that people are panicking about, so much in the world today. God can grant them the Grace, that He can stop the sickness that is so powerful. So many people are fearing it and dying from it.”

Blessed Mother said, “Children’s prayers are so sincere, and God hears the prayers, that come from their little hearts. He listens to their prayers and He can grant them anything that they ask for.”

“I encourage families to teach their children to pray the Holy Rosary and to offer little sacrifices to God.”

“Through their prayers, many bad things happening in the world can be averted or stopped. God can change things.”

Referring to the three children present, Blessed Mother said, “I bless the parents for giving their children such a good faith.”

Blessed Mother was very happy. Smiling, and with the Sign of the Cross She then blessed everyone present. She wants, very much, for children everywhere to be encouraged by their parents, especially their mothers, to pray.

Visionary: Tenderheart, Jabez in Action, Canada
Received on: Sunday, March 1, 2020
Message URL:

Wage War On The Spiritual Plane

Children of My Divine Heart,

Rejoice. I Am the Alpha and the Omega. I Am the Author of All Life. I Am. Open your hearts to receive Me. Surrender unto Me. Do not refuse Me. Give Me permission. I refuse to violate your free will. Accept My invitation, and open your hearts. Separate yourselves from the cares of the world. Pray. Pray without ceasing. Pray for conversions, and for My divine will to descend upon the Earth, to spread as fire, and to enflamme all hearts. Pray daily. I hope in you. Do not disappoint Me. Wage war on the spiritual plane, and do not waste your time quarrelling with others. All Evil is demonic in nature. Manage your time wisely. Fight for Truth. Pray. Pray in tongues as often as possible. Lift up your voices, and gift all humanity with tokens of your affection. I wait on you.

I leave you My kiss of peace.


Visionary: John Leary
Received on: Saturday, February 8, 2020
Message URL:

Saturday, February 8, 2020: (Amy Kessler Funeral Mass) Amy said: “I love all of you and I thank you for coming to my funeral. I especially love My husband, Don. I will be with you always, and I have your back, like you protected me. My dying wish is that I could get my family back to church and the sacraments. I was the prayer warrior for the family, and I am responsible for all of your souls. I will be praying for all of you, and you can pray to me for any help. I am here in heaven, and I am still praying for the souls in purgatory who came to me in life."

Jesus said: “My people, you can see how upset the left are when the Senate voted to acquit your President’s impeachment from the House. Based on the track record of the opposition party, you can see how their views come right out of Karl Marx’s play book for total control. You just saw a program that defined capitalism as financial freedom to keep most of what you earned. Capitalism allows innovation and the market place determines which products will succeed and which products will fail. Socialist communism dictates what you can have, and the equality or sameness that the majority will have. The communist leaders receive all the spoils as they become dictators that cannot be removed. Remember what I mentioned before, that the communists keep their subjects under control by starving the masses. The people have no say in their communist government because it is run as a dictatorship like Russia, China, North Korea, and Venezuela. I have also told you that this coming election will be a choice between freedom and a communist dictatorship. Be careful how...


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