ENGAGE ON HIVE: My new interest in carnivorous plants.

So recently i have been talking a lot about some of my carnivorous plants that i have acquired. I wanted to get rid of some of the love bugs near our house so i bought a venus flytrap from walmart. I have cut off the dead parts already and it seems to be growing nicely. I also fed it some live love bugs. Two days ago i was swimming at my grandparents house when my grandma came and asked me if i wanted there pitcher plant so i said oh yeah i would love it. It does need a little bit of work though because she kind of ignored it for a bit. But wait there is some good news as a little tiny pitcher has already sprung up. I have been watching so many videos recently of carnivorous plants eating bugs and it just amazes me that they can do these many things. Yesterday i was watching videos of the spoon sundew or otherwise known as the (Drasera spatulata) and i decided to buy one which should be arriving in a few days. Yes i am having it shipped live to my house and will probably make a post on it once it arrives.

picture source: https://pixabay.com/photos/plant-carnivorous-plant-142084/

I hope you guys and gals like the look of it because i sure do. The sticky sap will trap bugs on the plant and then the plant will cover the bug with the little branches to begin digesting. If you are wondering how it makes seeds a flower will grow out of the middle and it will attract other bugs to come pollinate them. My knowledge on carnivorous plants is quite low so please forgive me if i mess anything up. There are many variations of sundews and other carnivorous plants but you have to find the right one you are interested in. Do you have any carnivorous plants? I would like to know if there are any other growers out there. My old hobby was collecting silver but now i'm switching it up a bit. I just hope a plant like this:

picture source: https://pixabay.com/vectors/carnivorous-plants-green-leaves-575472/

Doesn't try to eat my dog. Just kidding i don't think any carnivorous plant can eat a dog except for maybe a giant pitcher plant. I hope you all enjoyed hearing about my new hobby. If i made you interested in getting one i would love to know :)

Hive on my friends and let the wind take you back to your hive. Thanks for reading

Yours truly, @teenagecrypto

Youtube: Rez night

Instagram: rez night


I hope that plant doesn't take one look at you and decide you look tasty! That may get awkward. Lol.

Maybe let the do test it out first, see if the plant fancies him...If he get's gulped down...Maybe time to get rid of the plant.

Thanks for taking the time to join in on this little posting initiative, and with such a nice post too. I hope it inspires you to do more of the same because the more of this sort of work we have on hive the better. Thank you and good luck.

I appreciate you stopping by and i will try my best to do more contests when I can.

Just do what you can, have fun and enjoy your time on the blockchain. That's what will help you build your account and with your longevity.

All the best.

Good luck with your new hobby. :-)

Hi! I'm happy about your new interest. I also cultivate carnivorous plants and I think they are really satisfying and beautiful :) good luck!!

thanks i appreciate your support

Hello friend @teenagecrypto, what a great hobby you have, I have always seen those big plants on television and they are always terrifying. I only know one that closes all its leaves if you touch them. But no carnivore. Greetings friend.

Thanks for stopping by and they are really cool once you get to know them :)

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Such viciousness that emerge from something so beautiful. But then it has to be to attract its prey. Nice blog and information on this plant. Thanks for sharing.

Your welcome

Post more photos of this mate! =) good stuff. If you would be able to take your own photos and post them adding your own knowledge, that would be amazing!

Yep I got a photo of my new plant i will be posting later 😀