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RE: The Curation and Engagement Leagues 🏆

in #engagement5 years ago

@wolfhart will really be missed, im sure he'd have some snappy comeback for this dedication. Nice to be back amoung the top ranks again, going to be honest, its really been PAL and SPT thats got me back in the engagement seat, its made content a little easier to find and the additional rewards are a fun incentive too.

Does anyone know if you can set PAL and SPT to auto claim though?

Also thanks for my spot prize! With all these extra earnings and this bull run lurking, could we be in for some crazy times?


its really been PAL and SPT thats got me back in the engagement seat

I think more would say the same - palnet has certainly lifted moral around here.

I don't think you can autoclaim PAL yet.

A bull run is coming? I hope so!

OK, perhaps a stupid question, but what's SPT? I know about PAL, but not that one. :)

Posted using Partiko Android

SPT is the token you can earn for posting on so if you into steem monsters/splinterlands then it’s worth hanging out there! There’s also another one I found today called actnearn

Posted using Partiko iOS

Ohhh I hadn't heard of Splintertalk either, cool! Thanks for the clarity.

Posted using Partiko Android