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RE: The Curation and Engagement Leagues πŸ† - STEEM prizes & steem-bounty available! 🎁

in #engagement β€’ 6 years ago

Well now... there goes @janton and his rocket fueled chair again! Congratulations my friend... I think it's pretty well established that we can expect to spend our lives on a steady diet of your dust! Awesome performance!

Congrats to everyone else who "placed;" it's wonderful that we have a community like this to help us all move forward with our Steemit ambitions. Thanks @abh12345 for overseeing all this and crunching the numbers every week! This place is a more enjoyable experience, thanks to your efforts!

This week, I made a concerted effort to make the top-25 and ended up at 28th. It's my best showing so far, and my 20th consecutive week in the top-100. That said, having experienced what my efforts this week earned me, I have mad respect for those who sit at the top of the leagues, week after week.

Let's all go out there and have a great week!


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Thanks I Will greets from lucky number 7