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RE: The Curation and Engagement Leagues 🏆

in #engagement4 years ago

Ah, so THAT'S what happens when I have a week off... I turn in to an engagement machine lol! Still suck at curation rewards though but I don't really have an aim with that. Giving someone an upvote is reward enough!

Well done to the winners!

Happy new year to everyone!

Is there an ultimate engagement league with how everyone would place from the beginning of the year?


Cheers, happy new year to you too!

An ultimate EL league for 2019 would be interesting but I think the database owner would not be happy if compiled the year - the query is 7/8 minutes for a week and could clog the DB up for a full years worth!

Hahaha would be some serious number crunching going on there! Would take half a day just to get the data!

The boss would kick me out of the database before then I suspect!

And we don't want to cross the boss 😀

an upvote is reward enough.

Ok then, forget I said anything. Happy end of 2019, Nicky, it’s been a pleasure knowing you.

Mr Days! Unlike you to take something out of context 😜

All the best for the new year young bean! Keep traveling 💪

Who, me? Naaaah....

Hey dude, we’ll be back in UK on the 6th, gonna park for 90 days and renew our duration ya’all voted to renegotiate :cough: Brexit :cough:

We have Ilkley planned for the first 30. How far are you from there?

Brexit has been a wonderful experience for everyone involved in the UK and I think I speak for the nation when I say we hope they find a way to make it last another 3.5 years, perhaps longer 😀

Ilkley is pretty much the opposite side of the country to me, any plans to head further south?

@nickyhavey. Where’d you go? I promise I’m not a stalker or anything. How close are you to Ilkley?

Whoops. I sent this to myself. I’ll try to put it in the right spot this time. Engagement points for me! 👍🏿

@nickyhavey. Where’d you go? I promise I’m not a stalker or anything. How close are you to Ilkley?

edit Sorry about spelling your name with an E. And since I responded to myself, I gotta fix it twice.

Ilkley as in "Leeds area"? I'm in the South East Mr Days... about 40 minutes from London

A short train ride. The whole country can be toured in a fraction of the time compared to one state where I’m from. California, for example, it would take 18 hours just to go from one end to the other, whereas we can go from Leeds, to London, to Scotland and back and the sub didn’t even set yet. Haven’t found a sport I don’t like yet.

Well, we’ll be all between those places beginning next week, any day is a good day, we’re going to park there for 90 days—let me know if you want to get coffee and biscuits or something. I mean, I’ll have coffee, you can have a spot’0 tea.