Lenormand 11 Card Request Reading - April 27

Today's Reading

Question: @ghostoftomorrow needs advice on 'How to deal with my acquaintance who is an overbearing personality'.

I'm using my (personal) standard 11-card spread (the final couplet being obtained through adding the numbers across the center to find the outcome.)

As I shuffled my cards, I asked what ghost needs to know about this person.
Here are the cards.


First step is to read across the middle.

stars - cliff - pow wow - swans - dreamcatcher
success meets obstacle; requires diplomacy; leads to commitment of luck

The center card is the main issue in the reading.

Pow wow is about one's public face, their opinions, social life and even diplomacy. The pow wow is where everyone comes together with their best foot forward, everything is on display. The question is very clearly dealing with how @ghostoftomorrow has to deal with this person in public.

The surrounding cards are: Talking stick + Unity
Wow - definitely negotiations and trying to find a peaceful way forwards. The talking stick would traditionally be passed around the circle, where only the person holding the stick would be allowed to talk. It was a way of keeping the peace while allowing people to vocalize their problems. It's also very much part and parcel of one of the points of a pow wow.

Leading up to the current situation, we look at the first two cards (plus the ones above/below.)

Stars + Cliff
I see an obstacle to success and slow progress. Dealing with this person has been very frustrating! Yet...

Canoe + Flute
This one is confusing me slightly at the moment... This combination would indicate some sort of peaceful and relaxing journey... So, maybe on the surface, the "relationship" with this person has seemed like a good one (particularly to others.) It's also possible that this person is an older person who is definitely "interested" in something more...
Perhaps this other good rapport (in either/both aspects) is one of the things that has lead to the slow progress in actually dealing with the issues at hand.

Let's see if our mirrors give more insight.

We also pair the "mirror" cards...

Stars + Dreamcatcher
Wow. Lucky stars. I'm getting the feeling that knowing this person has actually been a stroke of luck for @ghostoftomorrow.

Cliff + Swans
Yet, the cliff is an obstacle to a healthy relationship. The current situation seems to be one of duty - they talk to each other because they must.

Following the current situation, we look at the final two cards (plus the ones above/below.)

Swans + Dreamcatcher
Again, we're back to being lucky - and a relationship. This relationship (whether work or love) is a fortunate thing. But...

Clouds + Cedar
Key words here are: uncertain goals. Can any relationship be successful if the goals aren't clear? Sounds like at least one of them needs to work out what they want from the other. Fate may be at work here, but it won't be of any use without knowing what is wanted.

Outcome Pair of Cards

Add the digits of the cards across the middle. (83)
Add those digits together until the answer equals a card number. (8+3=11)
Subtract 36 from the number until the answer equals a card number. (83-72=11)
I then use those two numbers as a card or card pair to describe the outcome of the current situation. (11)


Quite an inauspicious card. There is a warning to be taken here.
The rattler can obviously give out the poison of harsh, dishonest gossip... and its own quick discipline if you're not being careful. The rattler always warns, but only when it feels threatened.

In this situation, there may be some sexual temptation between the two... This card isn't saying it's bad, but it would be wise to make doubly certain that there's not dishonest or poison behind the offer.

(Note: when exploring in rattlesnake country, if you need to move a rock, you turn it away from you to give the snake ample time to slither away...)

@ghostoftomorrow, I would love to hear your thoughts about this reading in the comments below.

(Feel free to look at the cards below for meanings, pairings and all image credits.)

Previous Readings...

The most recent reading I did was on April 8. (I then must have encountered some soy because I was generally unwell for almost two weeks while my body got rid of the toxins... I'm severely intolerant to soy and do my best to avoid it.)

I should never put a time frame on my readings, because the "ether" doesn't understand time like we do... so I need to work on rephrasing things appropriately. (I have had friends come back a year later to tell me how accurate the readings were!)

Housing has been on our minds as a 10-acre-parcel has come onto the market that's only a little out of our reach (cash), but it would require us coming up with something to put on the land for now... like a used mobile home (one of which is also on the market right now.) We either need the "essential workers" stimulus package to come to fruition or to convince inlaws to loan us some of the money in order to make this one happen, but it's definitely possible...

So, at this moment in time, that reading looks pretty spot on. The coming weeks will give a better idea. (I'll talk more about the parcel later - in a different post - if it starts looking promising.)

May I read for you?

If you would like a reading, please comment with a question (not yes/no, please). A good question would be: "Tell me about the future of Hive." (Rather than: "Will Hive succeed?")

Each post (hopefully weekly on Tuesdays), I will feature one question that was posed to me on the previous post - or privately via Discord. (viking-ventures #2883.)

Note: Readings are entertainment only (legally). You are in charge of your own destiny.
Order your personal reading at Fiverr.

Previous Posts

What is Lenormand?

Check out my previous article
Feb 2019, I began designing a new Lenormand deck so that I can give you readings for Tarot Tuesday. I finally completed my deck in Mar 2020 just before the Hive Fork.

Complete Deck with explanations of meaning:

Lori Svensen
author/designer at A'mara Books
photographer/graphic artist for Viking Visual
(Buy my work at RedBubble, TeePublic, PicFair and DeviantArt.)
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Thank you for your valuable insight. It gave me a lot of new ideas to think about. I contacted you on the Twitter. I hope you will accept my humble gift.