How I am using Generative A.I.(LLM)

I'm always coming up with new ideas and concepts. I write down as much as I can about the idea before I go to a Generative A.I. and have it run down a version of the concept with me. Everything I input in the Generative A.I. is a heavily generalized version of my idea but it's still informative in giving me insights of things I might've missed or certain aspects my concept might require.

My most recent idea was 'Progression of a business' for somebody who offers services to their clients. Obviously client work is vital to any entrepreneur but my thought was that 'Client work' was a foundational piece of a business that could progress towards 'affiliate links' that offer the clients the resources used to help with their work. They already have experience with the tools used so why not offer others the same opportunity to utilize those same tools?

Then the next step would be offering classes on how to properly use those resources and other use cases for the individual. Just so that the perspective buyers aren't without a paddle with their new purchase.

Every step wouldn't be a huge 'deviation' from what the business started as. Work for client > Offer links of resources used for Client Work > Offer courses on how resources can be used > ????.

Every step of the way would add another stream of revenue to the entrepreneurs 'repertoire' and be built upon what the business revolves around.

This 'process' of growing a business might be obvious, 'Of course you include links and sell courses on how to use these tools', but The Generative A.I. offers feedback, thoughts, and writes down a list of concerns for me to view and consider changing or altering for a possible 'better' result.

I am finding faster actionable results as opposed to sifting through countless search engines but I know it is important to still do research on the subject idea beyond the A.I.
I'm not using the 'A.I.' to create an idea, but using it as a sounding board that is sometimes difficult to find amongst people. That is where I am using Generative A.I and finding potential 'value'. I implore others to find their perfect 'use case' to get the most beneficial use out of the tools available to them.