Sort:, Saving WangChange & The Official Houston Steemit Meetup

Introducing for the community, a possible special announcement by one of our characters from the cartoon series and an update on the status of WangChange & The Houston Meetup on October 11.

#CryptoCartoon #beyondbitcoin #SavingWangChange

Steemit Accounts: @MrWang | @bycompoundfilms
Mumble Accounts: mrwang | bycompoundfilms
Bitshares Accounts: thatboymeta1 | mrwang01

Very cool how you guys did the live stream!

  1. The #Whaletank transcription service has at least one added member: @chuckyfucky who will be translating to Spanish as well! So we might as well call it the #Whaletank transcription and translation service! This is great for spreading news about the projects being discussed here. Like @bitspark this can have a huge effect for say people in the Philippines. My transcript of the @bitspark talk gained a lot of attention and also some questions for the @bitspark team which I had to redirect to them!
    Alex @alexpmorris created a java program to not only ease the merging of subtitles but positioning them and inserting speakers names and it can also create transcriptions out of the subtitles with links to speakers' accounts! I tested it and it works great.
    Update: I also have a little suprise for you and it concerns marketing of our projects and BitShares. Stay tuned and please upvote and spread the word, thanks.
    As for DECENT I had agreed on doing an interview with @jringo for which I'll hopefully find time later this week.
  2. #beyondbitcoin, #whaletank, #growth-ideas, #transcript
  3. Appropriate links to share?
    -Multitrack recordings of the #Whaletank 226 talks last Saturday 30 Sept.
    -Modo avanzado, transcripciones y subtitulos de tu charla #Whaletank Por @nutela
    -Presentacion de video del Hangout de BeyondBitcoin Whaletank 226 30 de Septiembre , 2017 Editado por @SteemPowerPics
    -Bitspark, remittance done right
    -Translation services Ad Honorem
  4. @Nutela, Mumble: Nutela
  5. I'll be giving out coins for people who can help me transcribe, and if they wish translate the projects announced on the #whaletank. This we'll do together and we can even support the projects by sharing the author awards.
  6. nut3l4 (NUT3L4). BitShares UIA: NUTELA

Hey, Thanks for this space. Yes thanks @nutela and @alexpmorris we have found ways to make transcribing easier, that being said, i currently teamed up with another person who is helping me with the translation work. We want this to be an engagement tool with the community, the idea is to reach everyone who has a language barrier so that they can learn about this amazing proyect. Also, as im already reaching out to the spanish community and getting the whaletank known, we are seeking for other community members that are willing to help us translate for other languages as well.

It is good to see this evolving over time. @chuckyfucky has done a great job translating my Whaletank posts to Spanish, it will be interesting to see how a full transcription/translation of the tank turns out. Not an easy task.

@steempowerpics if you could record and/or the multichannel that would help us too, is that any more work? I mean you just delete the same time-amount but over all channels (for each speaker) so that they sync up.

I will have to see. Doing full edits on multiple tracks means nothing will lineup as it get further into the timecode, especially if people talk at the same moment in time. Editing the last tank (70 mins final) took 3 hours already. I will have to test this week and record in multi -- if anything I can grab the merged from Fuzzy or Africa if it doesn't go well.

Right, you should be able to delete the same piece from all tracks otherwise it wouldn't make sense.
Here an example:

will trim globally across all tracks in the timeline.

I use Audacity though. :-)

Do you need transcribers to Filipino?

Whoa! I missed your comment, I believe you already spoke to @chuckyfucky right?

Project: Community Casino
Relevant Steemit Tag? ccasino
Appropriate links to share?
Community Casino: Background, News, & Developments
Blackjack Signup Post
Poker Signup Post
Steemit: @nicnas, @bethalea & @ccasino
Mumble account name of Representative/Speaker: nicnas & bethalea
How should we Introduce you/your project/your news coverage? Community Casino (Games) where everyone wins. A fun and safe place to play and win. Also feel good about doing it.
What is your BitShares account name? c-casino

Imagine a casino that allows people to play casino games; poker, roulette, blackjack etc etc with free rolls and potential to make money while having fun. Tokens/crypto would be generated by person and time played and introduced into the pots of games. Larger pot games that require buy-ins will be introduced. This will allow players to purchase their tokens/crypto offsite and give value to the pots and value to the currency. But where the community really comes in is we plan on giving back 50% of our profits to the community surrounding us. We dont want to create addiction to gambling but an addiction to having fun and making money at the same time. We plan on talking about upcoming developments and future plans and getting feedback and support for our project.

Looking forward to your updates.

  1. Project/Topic Name/News Piece : My Road Trippr
  2. Relevant Steemit Tag : #travel, #adventure, #experience
  3. Appropriate links to share:
    First Decentralized Travel Portal, How Do I Plan To Bring It To Life And Revolutionize Travel Industry!!!
  4. Steemit and/or Mumble account name of Representative/Speaker : @rideofpassion
  5. How should we Introduce you/your project/your news coverage: First Decentralized Experience based Travel Portal
  6. What is your bitshares account name: ride-of-passion

Voiceshare token is now accepted for tours of My Road Trippr. Voiceshare Tokens can be used to pay a portion of my road trippr packages.

Bitshares Based Token Voiceshares Can Now Take You A Step Closer To Fulfilling Your Travel Dreams- Cross Platform Acceptance!!!

Token Link -

Thailand All The Best 2.jpg

Great to see your support and outreach programs expanding each week.

Will it be possible to introduce this to friends who are travel agents here in the Philippines?

Project/Topic Name/News Piece
SKILLcoin, An asset on OL/DEX
Fuzzy will know how to introduce it <3
BTS: bambam808

🚀Awwwwwwe YEAH!
SGT/GSG Taking it to the next level!

Blockchain Radio (Placeholder)
Relevant Steemit Tag? none
Appropriate links to share?
Steemit and/or Mumble account name of Representative/Speaker: jringo
How should we Introduce you/your project/your news coverage? Is this even possible?
What is your bitshares account name? jring-o

Just to get a summary, you are looking to put together this live interview/broadcast radio project and need help/guidance for setting up the production process and establishing a UIA Token to support it?

That was a lot of info in the comment above :-)

💡 It might better to put that all in a post on your blog, then just replace that info with that post link. That was the community can also support by voting on that project post.

Thanks for the advice, I'll do that = ).

Yes to your summary. Absolutely. I am also looking for people who want to be hosts, have interest in participating to talk about specific subjects, and people who want to help make this a reality. Plus general feedback regarding the idea.

  1. Project/Topic Name/News Piece
    • Using Steemit to Teach Children About Finance
  2. Relevant Steemit Tag? #familyprojects
  3. Appropriate links to share?
  4. Steemit and/or Mumble account name of Representative/Speaker
    • eastmael
  5. How should we Introduce you/your project/your news coverage?
    • Me: Simply a father
    • Project: I would like to embark on this family project and look for sponsorship from whaleshares to teach my children about finances.
  6. What is your bitshares account name?
    • eastmael1

Shoutout to @xanoxt for winning the 1000 beyondbits for his @rudex Decentralized Exchange (DEX) project! An exciting project and very interesting to transcribe. I'm nearly finished with editing it, while being rather technical, most of it got done by YouTube correctly although some clarification is needed. So let me please know if you read this @xanoxt

I'm glad you got the time and day right Fuzzy! :P ;)

Upvoted & RESTEEMED! :)

Thank you for supporting our community and the resteem. :-)

really looking forward to hear about EOS! this whole thing just sounds amazing

Thank you for ReSteeming the Bitshares Hangout RSVP post. EOS and projects being developed on that system definitely come up in the topics each week.

A very good idea. Minnows may not have a chance though

🌿 The Whaletank is all about supporting minnows, and Steemians of any level, who have a project or community outreach program they want to bring into the tank for discussion.

Why is that?

Really worthful info along with the details about eos-project
L9ve your work

It would be great if you have the time on Saturday to join us in the hangout, even if you just listen in - it's a great forum to learn from.

haha, sounds great
but i am really sorry about that i can't drink.

Hiiii @officialfuzzy, nice and informative updates and details about eos-project, thanks for sharing.

informative follow for 2 followers

Not the best idea to spam F4F comments in these posts.

Good post! I need your upvote @officialfuzzy

What do you bring to the table for our support ? You can provide us your proposition for consideration in the weekly Whaletank hangouts.

I'll join just after midterms!

this project is indeed going viral and really great initiative,,,am definitely going to make a daily check on your post and find out more,,its helpful...hope to see you around too if you dont mind @officialfuzzy ...upped

informative follow for 2 followers