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RE: EOS Block One Announcement: Disappointed by Voice

in #eos6 years ago

I'm with you @neoxian 100%

I was looking forward to the 2.0 alternative, but am disappointed too.

On STEEM I value my real world anonymity due to the creative freedom and unrestricted speech this platform grants me. I'm not giving that up by doxxing myself so that my government (or other bad actors) can clamp down on me.


You live in a world of fear where you have to stay 100% anonymous or the evil government will "clamp" down on you? wow.... if this is the type of person on steem, no wonder its dropping in price... who wants to invest in these sorts of people?

Also just because you havent submitted KYC for your steem account doesnt make it completely anonymous.... theres a lot of simple ways to find out who someone is from their steem account... id be willing to bet a good majority of people who signed up used their regular gmail email account which is most definitly tied to their identoity wether they know it or not.....

We live in 2019, we are already beyond the Global Information grid and NSA PRISM program... its so cute when people on the internet think they are "anonymous" ......

Wow. Such an obnoxious response to a legitimate concern. We don't have the First Amendment in this country and I'd wager you know nothing about where I live, nor what my government is like. Over here we recently had jail sentences threatened to anyone holding specific objectionable material or a particular manifesto. We're not even allowed to really talk about a particular recent event without potential repercussions.

There is a difference between being anonymous and being able to be held legally accountable.

ver here we recently had jail sentences threatened to anyone holding specific objectionable material or a particular manifesto.

dude, if youre living in a tyranny dont blame STEEM for that... jesus christ... your own terrible government that you live under is not the fault of steem and they are not responsible for your anonymity

voice/ doenst owe you anything man

Where am I blaming STEEM? Or claiming voice/ owes me anything?

You need to calm the fuck down.

"You live in a world of fear where you have to stay 100% anonymous or the evil government will "clamp" down on you?"

Apparently you haven't been tortured. I have.

Ignorance is NOT security.

Um ok, sorry that you happen to live in a state where cannabis is illegal, i am guessing yoy got arrested for drugs like most people? SHoulda been in california or oregon maybe lol

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