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RE: Where is the EOS mainnet?

in #eos6 years ago (edited)

The sentiment around EOS remains quite bullish. I hope this situation does not take too long. If Block.One has to take matters in their own hands, it would be bad for EOS and the space, since a decentralised approach failed.

I still think it is smart what Block.One has done. The only promise they made is bringing out the code. It is all up to the community what is going to happen. No other promised they can be held accountable for. Pretty nice $4 billion. Let's hope they don't stop taking the project serious for the next 10 years. I think it would be good if Dan stays that long with EOS, and not hop to the next project after 1-2 years ;-)


It would be best indeed if Block.One only has to focus on the software, promotion and so on, I agree.

EOS needs to kickstart as intended, projects need to run on it.

Well, Daniel Larimer will stay as long as he thinks he is needed, I guess. But long enough to make sure EOS can run substantive.

Block.One will probably around longer. And maybe this is Dan his third and the crown on his work?

Hope the market will pick up soon again.