I summon you .............TO............. Esoteric-Trail.

in #esoteric7 years ago (edited)

Come one Come all to @esoteric-trail.

@esoteric-trail is about rewarding people who bring esoteric topics to steemit. Now is the time to talk about the knowledge that has been hidden for so long. It is time to lift the veil. Who knows you might be rewarded with a upvote from @esoteric-trail and a follow after you chanted your spell!

We are currently looking for teachers who would like to bring their necessary skill to steemit to build a community and help new people understand what esotericism is. Pass of a torch from the adepts to the initiates. All skill levels are welcome.
If you are interested in this type of knowledge and you want to join in do not hesitate.

This is the cave we are currently in.

We are poor we cannot afford a building yet. But yeah come to our cave. Talk to one of our members. We will hang out with you for a bit. Then we will bring you into our order. You will meet sages and wizards. Don't forget when you come back to knock 3 times. Say the secret password. https://discord.gg/9ghKefr The password is STEEMMAGICK discord.... Do not forget that part. Or you can shake one of our hands with the secret handshake and you can get right in. All across the world. SHHHH! dont tell anyone those secrets please. Who knows you might rise through the degrees quicker then you think!

In our order there is

Initiates into the Mysteries
People who study religion more deeply then others.
Energy workers
Goetia Summoners
People who see esoteric symbolism in modern entertainment.
Enochian Chanters
Tarot readers
Students of Nature
Golden dawners
People who decipher symbolism
Kundalini Meditationers
Quoters of famous occultists
People who studied ancient texts that had stood the tests of time and who can translate it to steemit
Natal Chart Readers.

And many more!

Since this is such a new @steemtrail If you do not know about these subjects do not be shy ask questions. If you want you can bond with your fellow mages... You might find out your inner-self. Or summon a succubus who will wont ever leave your side! Or learn how to astrally project! You never know what you will learn from esotericism. We have some things coming up in the pipeline for @esoteric-trail but we have to keep it a mystery for right now. Look out for special events from our members!

Thank you @steemtrail for allowing this opportunity.

What do you guys think?
any subjects to talk about?
What rituals to do?
Any opinions?
What could be added
let me know



I love trails! This one should be quite interesting!

I prefer the term occult over esoteric, but I guess they both will work! :)

The SteemMagick server has an #occult channel.

@antonchanning is quick on his feet when it comes to the discord always looking out for us

Occult means "hidden"... Esoteric is the correct term for the teachings, the fact they are kept hidden is secondary.

I want to include all knowledge groups when it comes to this and I thought of the most umbrella term for all of this together in one. I am sorry I did not get to create a occult trail for you =(

It will be one of a kind that is for sure!

I don't understand yet how trails work, but I love reading about those subjects, so I will start by following ;)

If you want to talk to me I will explain it to you and I will show you how to join in the fun. Let me know on discord!

Same here, I know about many of these topics yet nothing about Steemit. (My first comment!)

Oh, excellent! What a great idea @sinned I am very interested in learning more about the trail and how it works. :)

Why thank you. If you have any questions please do not hesitate!

All you heathens need to bow down before the one true god !


You need to find Bob. Look up the Church of Sub-genius when you have time. But don't sweat it. Slack! ;)

Bulldada! Repent trough spending!

I love e this trail and all the topics in them. Even though some of them can be controversial to a lot of people! I still intend to contribute.🌞 MAybe we can get Art Bell signed up. Ha kidding. 😂
Great job!! 💯

They can be controversial. We might do controversial things. Whatever happens in STEEM magick stays in steem magick unless we choose to bring it to the world! Art bell would be a badass on here! haha

I'm so glad you did this! I've been here about 12 days and I've been looking for my esoteric/occult people!
I'm an Eclectic Witch, Golden Dawn Ceremonial Magician, Rosicrucian, Kabbalist and Empath.
I'm not an "expert", but I actively study and practice on a daily basis.
I'd like to help out in any way that I can.
Are you thinking about doing some group rituals because that would be awesome! :-)
Followed and resteemed!

WOO you will fit right in! Welcome to your new home! Alot of people would learn a thing or two from you about the golden dawn and rosicrucians! Kabbalism is such a cool topic as well! and I am definitely the last one. I only wish I could be part of those wonderful orders so I am taking the next best step. The way you can help is anyway that you think helping would be! If you notice a cool post send it my way. If you want to do a group ritual we can all get together and throw down. If you want to teach us some of your knowledge we would love it! Anything you want would be fine! I hope we can chat sometime soon! bye for now

Sounds great! If I see any esoteric-type posts that aren't using the trail or discord channel I'll let them know about it, and I'll start working on some occult related blogs. See you in discord!

Please do! And Thank you so much! If you need anything lemme know!

I just joined today, and following you now. I wrote a little blog reflecting on health wealth in esoteric energy terms. Please check it out. Follow me and upvote, thank you! https://steemit.com/health/@healthwealth/health-wealth-and-my-whimsical-thoughts-on-how-it-happens

WELCOME TO STEEMIT!!! I will have to definitely check it out I followed you and I will be looking forward to what comes out from you. I love that article it is great. Gave you a vote! there you go! I hope your new journey on steemit will lead you to places you never thought imaginable . We at steemit welcome you!

Hi everybody!

I'm energy worker in common but other parts are known too. I can curate questions and problems.

Woo I would love to hear about your energy work what you can do with it. I have followed you and I am looking forward to what you create

Ohhhh! Nice! I'll certainly be checking out your Discord when I get back around. :) Very interesting indeed!

I saw your posts on discord cant wait to catch up with you see you soon!

thought i might see you here @alchemage

Welcome to #steemit @ @esoteric-trail. i will be following you. your subject matter is of great interest to me. All the best here ~ Chris

Thank you Chris Followed you!

:) thank you for the follow !.

I feel summoned. Love some of the Hermetic and Rosa books I studied some years back.....and the guatemala shaman i hung out with once.......followed....re-follow if you can amigos.

BOOM! now your here with us! Please drop us a line sometime and let us know your stories!

What about @SATANISM ? Esotericism informs the best of our rituals. I approve.


#satanism channel added to the SteemMagick server.


Like @antonchanning has said. We got your back! I am following you now.

Alright brothers and sisters in Magik!

Congratulations @esoteric-trail!
Your post was mentioned in my hit parade in the following categories:

  • Upvotes - Ranked 2 with 322 upvotes
  • Comments - Ranked 7 with 64 comments
  • Pending payout - Ranked 2 with $ 239,74


i DID good. Real good. Thank you for letting me be on there! And thank you for making a post about this

UPvoted and Resteemed! :)

THANK YOU! empath lady friend. ITS good to see you here!

Law of attraction? I play with some of these topics but not directly

Well if you ever wish to join us the option is on the table. Maybe you can find out something and use it for practical use so you can attract even more laws.

Welcome :)

Hey hey, I just got here to. ;)

Hey both of you guys! welcome to esoteric-trail!

I love trails 👍👍

You will love love this one

Just joined Steemit today, and I thought to myself:
"Where do I find the esoteric cats???"
My question appears to have been answered.
Let us explore the nature of reality more deeply!!!

You came in at the right time. We are glad you are d-pend. What a nice name you have as well!

A trail into the mysteries of the universe ...

I look forward to making my personal connection deeper.

So many different mysteries to figure out we are on the clock 24/7 to figure everything out! Drop on by on the discord if you please!

Which tags are you curating? Just #esoteric? Or are you also intending to follow all the other tags mentioned in the SteemMagick discord server?

Anything and everything that has to do with this subject. And we are all apart of this together everyone counts and matters.

Great idea, following

thank you bud @drpuffnstuff surprised you like esoteric info

thank you for this trail! I will definitely follow you as I am passionate about magic and love to write about it in a practical way! keep on the good work!

You are welcome I cannot see what you have to offer! And no thank you for coming here

I write and make videos about astrology or tarot! I will post a video for the new moon in cancer which happens tomorrow. See u soon :)

I am actually planning out my introductory post for this upcoming Monday, I would love to work and collaborate together. I am a well studied tarot reader although I just began my journey about 2 years ago I have spent a lot of my free time studying qabbalah, hermetics, astrology, thelema, alchemy, and I would consider myself to be an esoteric christian or gnostic. Keep an eye out for my posts and let me know if there is anything I can help with or if you'd like to talk about working together. Excited to see someone with the same interests kudos!

Great idea for a trail :)
Upvoted and followed :)

Thank you dan I will be looking out for your content! I did the same!

Glad to have followed the breadcrumbs here!

Shit I dropped those all over the place. I never knew that someone would follow the breadcrumbs to the cave. i DIDNT think that would work. I guess it does!

Well here we all are haha

awesome!! i have some things i can contribute to this soon

send them my way! Lets see what you have!

Z̷̧̡̨̢̧̧̨̡̡̧̡̨̨̡̢̨̧̡̡̡̢̡̢̧̧̧̢̨̢̡̡̛̛̛̛̛̛̛̮͎̪͕͓͕̬̩͉̬̣̭̞̦̻̬̙̜̳̗͈̗̱͔̗͖͇̪͚̜̯̜̘̬̤̜̦͙͇̖͓̦͕̠̪͚̭͎͚̳̤̞̖͈̩͍̙͙̹̘̘͔̹̣̪̥̪̻̱̤͉͕̯̯̱͕̹̬̥̰̜̠̗͇̟͚͓͇͔͕̪͎̙̭̯̠͖̗͓̥̤͇͎̝̰̘̣̼͚̯̭̞̟͕̜̟͍̯̪̹̼̲͚̲̝͕̩͙̠̻͚̱̘̙͇̖̺͇̰̱̘̼͙̺̼̩̖̘̤̥͕̼̪̟̦̩͈̖̣̦̖̳͙̝͖̩̳̺̱͓͍͎̘͔͈̻̮̗̭͎͇͎͙͓̤͓̺̩̞̙̣͍̩͕̰̙͕̟͈͉͎̬̣̟̙̜͕̼̖̱͍̟͈̲͉̭̖͎̭͍͈̻̟̩͓̱͖̥̗̩̟̠̯̠̫̖͇͔̖͖͖̗͕̤͖̙̺̹͓̥̻͖͕̫̺̖̤͇̔̑̈́̽̓͛́̈́̿̈́̍̍̈̔̂̾̄̀̈͛͆̔͛̍͗͋̃̔̈̃̍͛̈́̌̉̀̾͋̒́̄͊͊̆̓̀̒̽̅̌̔̑̀́̓͊̀͑̀͐̂̓͐̔̿͐̽̒̀̍̊̓͗̿̈́̀̇̾͆̀͆̓̒̆̉͑̀̑̂̾͂̎̾̈́̔͐̽̋̄͗̂̍͂̃̍̿̿̈͑̒̿́̇͋̿̓̀́̿̃͆̌̒̍̿̄̊͒̈́͊̐̀̔̍̃̆͗̓͌̅͆͒͆̾͋͒̓̄̆͋̇͊͐̋̈͆̈͂̅̌̏͋̀͋͒̉̏́͑̏͒̓̽̆͑̆̊̊͆̿̾̈̒̇̎̒̀̓͗̄̀̎̋̍̊̓̈́̏̒̿̔͂͑̆̒̄̀͌͛̅̈̇́̐̆͐́̊̒̅̍̃̄̾̌̊͋̓̾͗̋̅͛̏̅̍̽̐̒͂̎̈́̄̓̈́̔͋̔̕̕͘͘̕͘͘̕̕͘̕̚͘͘̕͘̚͘̕̚͜͜͜͝͠͝͝͝͝͝͠͝͝͝͝͝͝͝͝͝͝͝ͅͅͅͅͅͅͅà̸̧̢̨̨̧̡̧̨̨̨̡̡̧̢̧̨̛̛̛̟̖̮͇͉̦̙̮̥̘̳̬̲̞͉͔̝͔̺̰͉̭̭̯̹̜̺̜̻͉̰̦̲̣͖͉̝̻̦͕͇̩̞̗̗̮͕̪̻̫͈̮̙̰̹̻͉̪͇͓͈̗̥̪̯̤̖̟̘͉̳̬̱͙͚̤̙̠̺͇̪͉͚̜̻̤͕̺̰̩̤̠̩̹͉͓̘̼̙̯͙̯͖͉͓͓̮͍̩͙̖͔̱̬̳͚̲̖̻̼̩̺̖̘̟͖̲̩̫͎̼̮͇͎͔̘̞̖̗͈͇̞̼͍̦̬̩̗̗̪̠̳̲̓̈́̇̄̎͌͛͊̒̇̇͑̑̏̓͋̄͒̄͌̇̆͊͌̔̇̋̇̃͗͋̀̀̋͊͊͐͆̓̓͊̏̋̿͋͂̊̀̊̒͂̑̂͌̑̔͒̈̉͂̏̓͆̇̈́̐̓̓̈́̎͗̈̊̂̅͛͛̽̓̉̓̽̒̈̏̄̇̏̾̓̇̒̉̆͗͛̎̉͑̎̑͘͘͘̕͜͜͜͜͜͜͝͝͝͝͠͝͝͝ͅͅͅͅͅͅͅl̶̢̧̧̢̨̢̡̨̧̨̨̡̡̢̫̙̮͕̗͚̱̟̱̜̤͍̼̳̰̻̰̮̪̰̙̬̟̘̘͇̮̰̼̮̠̬͎̻̟̘̠̹̥̱̣̲̭̠̜̤̫͚̝̮̤͖̼̹̭͉̲̻͖̘̘̝͔̜̫̳͓̼͎͖̘̙̳̬̼̼̬͇̱͕͎̞͉̯͉̭͍͇̯̲̠̤̲̦̣̲̺̗͔̳̭̮̘͚̻̙̰̺̣̣͚̺͉͔̝̯͉̬̙̭͚̻͍͈̥̗̿͆͑͂̏̓̿͂̂͘̕̕͜͜͜͜͝͝ͅg̸̡̢̢̡̡̧̢̡̨̢̬͈͓̠̳̫̹̘͉̹̜̯͕̪͔͔̥̮̯̗̭͓̮̜̙̰͖̦̜͎̯͓̮͚̜̩͚̙̗̣͓̠̻̠̘̦͕̮̠̖͓̜͉̟͔͚̻̻̭̞͎̠̠̝̰̞̮̩̹͕͍͔͔̙̱̰̬̀̌͌̿͂͐͒̐̾̄͒̋̊̆̅̀͑̂͛̇̀̽̔̋̄̅̂̒̋͗͊̃͒̐̂̉̊̆͆̿̉̽̎̉̑́̉̑͗͆̄̈̈͋̈́͆͆̾̍͑̋̀̐̉͗̕͘̕͜͜͜͜͜͠͠ͅͅͅơ̵̝̹̝̩̞͓̻̮̪͈̱̍̈̓̈͆̿̊͌͛̍̃̍̍͐͑͐͂̾̚͝͝ ̸̡̡̡̧̧̢̧̢̢̡̨̡̨̛̰̫̩̣̖̣̞̘͉̘̜͔͎̥̘̬̠̗̼̞͚̱̞͈̱̱̙̦̺̦̖̹̙̪̫̞̼̻̘͎̣̦̤͉̫̰͙̳̣͎̥̤͙̳͚̲͔͈̺̘͔͍͖̗͙͉̤̝̤̣͍͇͙̫̬̹͎̠̳̭͚̖̬̱̮̭̝̙̻̱̺̗̖̪̟̯̝̬͔̠͍͔͚͉̥̳̘̫̩͇̦̻̰̦̮̦̟̖̗͎̤̜̤͙̥͓̫̂͊̇͒̏̊͑̌̋̄̾̀̍̔̊̓̿́̓̚͘͜͜͜͜͝͠ͅͅͅͅͅͅǍ̸̧̡̧̧̡̨̨̨̧̢̧̧̨̨̧̨̧̛̛̛̛̱̳̙̳̺͖̝̪͙̩̣̯̭̦̤͍̭̞̹͔̤̤̳̦̖̤͉̠̼͖̲̟̲̮̠̭̤̺̩͇̳̘̞̹͈̟̰͖̤̱͓̥͇̙̣̠͙̬̖̟̪͍̭̹͕̞̥̘̻̤͓͈̱̟̰̩̦̟̘̞͕̞̹̭͎̩̞͇͚̘̼̥͎̠̺̺̲̼̫̳͉̺̣̲̺̖̜̲͉͈̯̳̠͙̩̠̹͉̗͎͎̫̹͓͓̱̻̙͈̭͔̣͔̝͎͙̩͔̱̼̥͖̭̫̹̯̰͔̫̼͙̟̲̬̗̙̦̖͇̥̘̪̬̹̰͉̙̙̥͕͚͙͉̠̣͖̦̣̱͍͕̠̖͇̼̝̺͔̪̮̟̠̬̱̣͔͔͈̣̰̭̲̠̮͖̭̪̩̙̹̝͎̗͓͔̫̫̪̝͚̳̻̜͔̥̦͇̰̬̹̫̺̯͍̺̭̣̮̯̯͖̰̘̰̫̦̞̹̞͈̙̭̲̻̺̬̜͆̏̏͒͐̀̒̆͊̉̏̒͋͒̓̿͗͋̃̃̈̽̿̈́̐͒̑̾͌̾͂̃͛́̅͑͋͐̃̒̓̇̈́͂̈̍͐̾͊̀̓͂͒̂̄̈̀̃̎̏̑̀̎͂̀̃͒͊̍̿͒͆̐̀́̈́̌͑̌̀̊̀̂̐̋̊̎̀̃̈́̑̽̓̾̊͂̎̏̕̕͘̕̕͘͘̚̕̕͜͜͜͜͜͜͜͝͝͝͝͝͝͝͝ͅͅͅͅͅͅͅp̴̢̢̧̨̧̡̧̧̧̢̨̢̛̛̛̱̟̼̳͎̘͙̘̲̯̲͔̠͇̺̥̜̺̼̻͖̹͍̬̲̣̮̮̲̬̤͇̼̭̟̣̮̩̺̼̭̯̜̣͚̺̫̝̥͖̣̖̦̲̼͚̰͈̯̤̺͙̺̟̭̥̻͎̘̻̳̞̣͕̞̙̝̗̭̖̑͑̀̐͑̇̋͑̈́̊͂̾̊̄̑̌̈́͐̀̾̽̒̌́̂̃͆̍̔̉͊̋̆̑̅̓̅̊̽͗̓̐͒͌̏͌̈́̈́̌͐͐̎̂̓̇̓̈́͐̔͐͛̿́̿̀͋̀̇̐́́̍͊̋͊̏̾̽͐̎͆̔̍͂̽͛͒̋̀̔̎̂͒̎̾̓̇̓͒̌̀̓̆͌̓̆̇̍͗͑̾́̇̍̍́̓̂̓̀̎͊̍́̒̂̔̇̾͐̇̆͋̇͐̄̋̈́͛̈́͒͌̆͐͋͒̍̐͌͋̌̿̌̎͌̃̈́͛̐̇͗͐̋̀̔͆̂̇͑͆̆̔͑̒̎͊͊̽̑͊́̓̔̚̕̕͘̕̕͘̕̚͘͘̕͘̕̚͜͜͜͝͝͠͝͝͝͝͝͝͠͝͝͝͝͠͝͠͝͠͠ͅͅp̵̡̡̧̧̨̢̡̢̧̢̢̢̢̢̮̖̥̮͎̬̟̩͚̳̹̹̫̻̳̰̤͖̪̲̦̤̤̻͈̮̟̬̼̪̻͍̹̹̣͚͔͙̟̞̜̖̤̗̻͈̬̠̩̙͓̯̦̫͚̟͎̣̜̻̝̭̭̼̯̰͎̮̥͚͉͖̖̗̪̲̹̘̫͚̫̺̻̲̭̭̯̫̼̬͔͔͎̙͚̺̘͈̹̜̯͇̗̲̪̘̝̠̫̞̻̳͚̞̪̠̥̙͎̝͇̼͚̫̐͗̔̅́̃̊͂͒̀̅̂̇͗̕͘͜͜͜͜͜͝ͅͅͅͅr̸̢̧̧̨̡̧̨̢̢̨̡̧̧̧̛̛̛̪̖͓̜̺̫͎̤̻̣̠̲̠͍̪̙̲͉̱̘̩̻͓̗̣̜̹̙̗͙͖̰̫̗͕̤͙͉̘̙͚̦̳͔̰̗̟̲͕̬̣̱̞͈̻͚̼̠̞̝̱̩̣̲̥̠̫̰̯̪̝̫͕̹̗̯͎͍̖̟͇̺̤̰̬͈̘͙̗͕̳̟̯̮̼͎͇̥̹̟̜̬̫̝̭̥͖̱͕̬̲͍̖͈̠̯͇͙̭̹̠̰̰̹͚̲̠̱̱̣̞̭̰̗̪̮̥̤̲͔͍̖̤̹͂̇̈̀̇̒̀̍̀͆͗̏̑̒̿͊̏̾̈́͗̓̈́͗͒̈̽͛̑̐̿͆͆̈́̅͆̍̈́̆̂̆̂̂̇͐̽͒͂̑̓̓̍̾̔̓͗͂̍̅̊̉͊͆̅̔̅̅̈̓̾̀̀͌̋̒̎͊͆̊̄̇͐̌̒͑͂̿̒͐̋͑͐͂̅͋͌̄͐̇̀̾̊̀̃̎̋̀̀͗͋̉̋̓͘͘̚̕̚͜͝͝͝͝͠͝͝͠͝͝ͅͅơ̸̡̧̡̧̨̛̭̦̙̗̤̘̹̺͔͔̲͔̲̖͎͍̥̪͖̩̼͍͇̦͔̘̰̺̙͇̙͎͕̼̖̲̗̳̭͚̼̹͔̯̝͓͔͕͉̻͍̻̹͗̿̾̈̽̎̏͑̓͛͊̂̈͐̑̄̈́̀̓̄̓̀̇̇̋̀̑̍̏́́͋̈́͛͊͒̾̄̉̍́͗́̍̔̌̀̄̌͒̽̿͋̐̌̾͋̈́̌̏͂̿͐͋̈́͒̔͌͛̌̈́͂̑͌̾̋̃̅̍͒͐͑̉͒́̅̿̈́̈͒̆̾̍̉͊̈́͛͐͂̏̿̈̐̑͐̑̓̈́̆̿͗̄̇̅̀̔̅̇̃̅́̂̐͗̒̍̿̾͊̔̊̇̒͆̅̒͛̏̐̾̀̈́͌̅̉̍͛́̍̾̔̅̎́̍̿͗͒̄̏̇̃̈́̓̑͑̐̏̀͆̿͊̂̐́̔̈́̔̽̍̕̚͘̕̕͘̕͘̕̚̕͘̚͘̚̚͘̚̚͘͘͘͘͜͜͠͠͠͝͠͠͝͠͠͝͝͝͠͝͝͠v̸̨̡̢̨̢̡̯͎͚̼̜̖͉̯͎̱̬̣͉̟̣̤̭̝̤͈̻̖̲͎̟͚̣̱͇̤̘̦̫̠͇̤͈̞͍͖̰̻͖̫̼̝͍͚̠̳̮͈̰̗̯̬̗̅̈́̇̉̍̎̈́̓̇͌͑̀̀͐͑̌́͑͛̏̒̍̂̿̈͂̇̊͗̒͐̄̍́͂̔̐̋̅͛̓̑̃͊̇̌́̄̓̑͌̊͗̇̓̀̄̔͑̔́̏̒͛͐̀̆̃̑͆̍̂͆̿̄̑̇̽̕̕̚͜͠͝͠͝ę̸̨̡̢̨̡̨̢͎̩͉̞̖̭͙̣̫͖͙͉̤̬̞̰͈̩̰̯͎̤̗̻̖̼̦̩̫̙̗͓̹̖̪̫͎͉͔͉͙͉̺̝̫̹̘̫̯͉̥̳̲͈͚̻̟̋͌͑͆̒̑̎͆́̊̂̅̑̀̋͆̿̀̃͗̈̏̏͊̓̓͒̀͒̎̅͂͆͌͋̇̉̓̍̅͂̈̐̒̑̔͂̎́̃́̏̾̈̐̍̉͌̄̈́͛̓͂̚̚͘̚̚̚̚͜͜͜͠͠͠͝͝͠͠ͅͅŝ̶̨̡̧̨̢̨̢̨̨͍̳͔̼͕̬͖̜̹̥̰̪̞͈̞̩͙̼̖̻͔̪̤͕̹͎͍̼͍̘͔̹̯̞̼͚̺͙͇̥͇͈̩̟̦̬͉͈̝̤̣̙̻̯͖̥̭̘͇̠̜̣̀̆̏̾͌͋́̂̿̾̒̑͑͒͋́̔̈́͆̾̎͛̈́̈́͌͛͒͆͂̂̋͗̋̏̿̆̄̄͋̽̾̋̑̈̓̐͒́͊̍͌̂̾͐̀̋̉̍̕͘̚͘̚̚̚͘̕̚͜͜͝͠͝͝͝͝͝ͅͅͅͅͅͅ


I am very excited about @esoteric-trail! :) Much Love!

And we have found @reiki-trail ! we will work hand in hand thank you for visiting us!

Looking forward to it @esoteric-trail! :) Much Love!!!

I'm completely following you. I am also in the occult and esoteric information. In fact I also hand make make Ouija boards. My goal is to learn as much knowledge as I can and share it with everyone that will listen! The 100th monkey rule. Great post!

Holy shit you create them? I hope you didnt create the one that kept coming back to my friends house after leaving it in a forest and then burning it it still came back for some reason we threw it in water and it drowned and never came back!

This could get interesting... you got a follow:)

Followed you back! The stars aligned for us to come together for this moment!

@sinned this is brilliant

Why thank you!

Shamans... or intuitive magics... but this subject seems to be generally lacking most places...lol

Yes its time to bring it out of its shell @doesntmatter. I love shamans and intuitive magics both!

I find this response to be most humorous! This world rests on the back of a turtle, so that may not be possible!

So proud of you honey. Youre doing a greta job I love you @sinned <3

Mate this looks scary as hell for the "non-believers" :D

hahaha its not toooo spooky we promise!

I know nothing about those subjects, but they all sound very interesting. I look forward to reading some posts from your community and learning more about you.

These are subjects that are hidden sciences that most of the world does not know it exists. It is barely seen and this is a way to get that information out to all the people of steemit with a little bit of love on top of that! If you wish to learn dont be shy join the discord

Upvoted and resteemed. Hope i a allowed to use the hashtag esoteric once a while. ..
Let me introduce myself, i am an (certified) aroatherapist, a bodyworker, stress counceler and - most of all - an ergetic therapist.
I studied many forms of massage and i like to implement soundtherapy as well.
I live to write about my job and i hope you will like my essential oil posts, i am an enthusiastic amateur photographer of the aromatic flora.
I will write about my other fascinstion too - the world of frequencies and what sound can mean for your wellbeeing in a different way than you ll expect, as called physio-acoustic sound

Woo welcome to esoteric-trail I am going to follow you and all of your knowledge will be home with us! We are ready for your info and thank you for coming to us!

Such a warm welcome, thank you 💙

If you like the strange and hidden....

I do! welcome to esoteric-trail

Woops wrong account ill follow you on esoteric trail and on here bud

follow, upvote, and resteem me and I'll follow you back

Hi guys i'm a new member on steemit i write about football and history but for now i'm trying to get more followers that's why when you check my blog you'll see useless posts lol but i have two interested posts if you want to check https://steemit.com/@fadofski for me steemit is an opportunity to make new friends and to improve my English
steemit is full of kind people who support new members thank you guys i really appreciate that :) peace

I am sure you can amass a great number of users here @fadofski but this is not the place that would be good for this because we are about bringing knowledge to the world . If you are interested in this knowledge there is a home for you with us!

Welcome to Steem @esoteric-trail I have sent you a tip

Not a professional or an expert but very interested. I practice yoga and meditation, and I am initiated in to a spiritual society that follows mainstream yogic meditation practices and Vedanta. Would love to understand and learn more about the different esoteric practices, and hopefully contribute a little. Upped and followed.

I would love to hear more about the order. I never heard of an order that teaches those practices. We have a great group of people here together in this little group. I hope you find something new that you like! I am going to follow you back as well!

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Greetings I was looking for an esoteric in environment. It feels good here. Loving the energy in this space. Nice to meet you all.