I know so little about Signs and Symbols..Wanna Learn them with me?

in #esoteric6 years ago

I AM a witch.


I manipulate energies to create physical changes. The power for this originates within me. I AM an extension of the energy that creates worlds and I have chosen to have the experience of mortal life. This means a body, and a body means limitations on the amount of light (information) that can be held within that body. So, there is a separation, a holding back, a forgetting of information that we allow and agree to in order to allow this experience.
To me, this explains why we are all on different levels of figuring shit out, and why we still need tools to access our own energy.
Some of these tools are known as symbols. I want to learn every one. So I will begin here. My fiancé was gifted a book he never reads, I began there. The title is The Illustrated Signs & Symbols Sourcebook, by Adele Nozedar. If you like my information, please thank her, buy her books, for setting me on my way.
Did you know that the Nazi sign is really an ancient sun worshipping symbol, even older than Egypt?
Ms. Nozedar states that It is important to bear in mind that symbols are not static. As in, they change over time, with understanding. Preconceptions can both add power to and take away from any symbol. Like the swastika, post WWII vs. ancient Egypt, symbols are given their meaning/power/energy by the observer, or by the agreement of many observers.
I am always still shocked to discover proof of how deep our own inner power goes, how powerful we all are. Isn't that fun? I am beginning to have a lot of fun.



It is believed that some symbols have such an impact, like the swastika, because of their primal, instinctual connection to our collective consciousness. I am inclined to agree.
I am fascinated by the pentagram.


The apple cut in half reveals a perfect pentagram. The gift of Eve to Adam in the Eden parable was one of great knowledge hidden within.
According to our friend Adele, five is the number of harmony. The balance of opposites, and thereby all things. It also represents the body, the five points of extremity.


No wonder this symbol has traversed the ages as sacred. The first known instance of the symbol on pottery is 6000 years ago. Christianity, and thereby the 'satanic connotation that come with this symbol in modern times, is only 2500 years old or less.
Why do some symbols withstand and permeate? Is it coincidence that the most powerful and prevalent of these are found in natural occurrence? This does not surprise me. It seems like breadcrumbs, left by Source (who is actually just the purest form of us) assisting us, with our allowance, to, lifetime after lifetime, follow the trail back to source.
I believe we need to take back the power of these symbols.
Many of the most powerful tools of magic and reality manipulation have been appropriated for nefarious purpose, hoarded by those in the know, as any conspiracy theorist will tell you. Show me a TV production that has not appropriated symbology for the purpose of suggestion. Somebody understands this magic, and many are using it irresponsibly, but they ARE using it. That tells me that it's real and can be manipulated for the light.
The observer behind your eyes knows the truth, and speaks the language of symbols.
Come remember them with me.

@earthnation #whateverboost

I implore those that have accessed more of the understanding than I have, or less, come chat with me. I'm starved for a connection with you. All of you.