My Fabulous Journey With eSteem app ( eSteem awesome Contest )

in #esteem-awesome6 years ago (edited)

Friends & seniors !


In first glance i would like to say thanks to @good-karma Sir! for organising this contest . I am fond of eSteem app since July 2017. After signup in Steemit on last 28th June 2017 i was not aware about this app and also who gave lesson to me about Steemit also was not aware about this app and i was using browser to make a blog post. There is a short story behind it.

  • Abbreviation of eSteem is easy to Steem means anyone can easily be in touch with Steemit while in go too.


How i came to know about eSteem app?

After joining in Steemit every time i was checking my post status, Comments, reply etc. using laptop but it was shameful for me because i didn’t want to use Steemit in office hour via laptop openly. I was in little tension but just in few minutes my mind said that “if Steemit is social sites then there should be an app in appstore” and i opened appstore in my iPhone and typed Steemit then saw the great app eSteem. I read carefully about it and finally installed it. Without any tutorial i learned to use eSteem app and started posting regularly at least one post daily from eSteem. Sometimes later i said about this app to all my friends, colleagues or steemit friends and maximum has installed it and also using.

What are the attraction of eSteem app?

There are lots but i will discuss about the features whichever attracted me in starting period to till now:

  1. In my starting time i used to makes photography posts maximum and for this category post this app became very useful.

  2. One app with multifunction yes it is 100% right because an app is giving freedom from sit and work in laptop. An app which is giving us a facility so that can create new post, comments on other posts, reply to someone for their comments while you are far away from laptop and table/chair.

  3. Many times i had used Capture option of eSteem app to upload a fresh photo for my blog. This also an awesome feature of this app.


  1. The cover page section of this app is also awesome where profile image, reputation number, followers numbers, following numbers along with total posts numbers are available. Also You can set profile details or can modify it whenever you want.

  2. eSteem also gives freedom to use this app in your own national language. Also you can see local currency value of SBD just change the currency selection from USD to your own.

  3. The follow menu gives me freedom to choose my best blogger to whom i like most to read always without scrolling feeds from top to bottom. I just click on followed or followers tab and type the name of blogger and this app show his/her name immediately and then click on it and read the blog. In this way i save my internet data.


  1. Suppose if someone need some SBDs on urgent basis he knocked you for this but unfortunately you are away from laptop then this app can help you to send him SBD using its Transfer tab/menu.


  1. The link share option is also useful if you believe in postpromotion and for this you can use its share option. This app supports various mediums to share the link.

  2. The market section is also useful for traders.

  3. As a Steemit user i like the eSteem teams reward style. They tried always to reward almost all users of eSteem app whatever possible. In my starting period this team had supported me a lot and engaged me here regularly.

  4. Every month the top most users of eSteem gets rewards from eSteem app team.

  5. In new version 1.5 they it has new features known as Activity Manager which is capable to sync with blockchain server and can show the actual activity regarding your post and profile. It is situated In cover page section and looks like statistics graph:


And the Activity manager includes these operations:


  • Votes: who has upvoted your posts.

  • Mention: Who has mentioned you in his/her post.

  • Reblog: Who has reblog your post.

  • Leaderboard: Anyone can see the leader of current week means who has used eSteem app much more than others.

  • Achievements: Comming soon.

The most thing is that 90% of all my posts in blockchain server are made or created by eSteem app. 10% goes in translation and utopian contribution.

Also i like to upvote, comments and reply from eSteem app always.


This app became my best friend now and stay with me always and by means of this i alway keep myself with Steemit. Just after got up in morning i open eSteem app to check feed and status of my own blog means last open application in my smartphone is eSteem and after got up too. ** I 💖 eSteem App**.

I can’t force to anyone but if not using this till now due to any reason then please try this app some days i guarantee that you also be fan for this app.

Thats all for this post meet you soon again!




Good informative post.

Good blog @face2face keep blogging. 🔗

Thanks brother!

This post has been rewarded with 100 % upvote from @indiaunited bot.

Each feature detailed explaines...👍 all the best!

All the best for the contest...

Thanks 🙏 Madam! Your bless need for same.

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