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RE: Delusions

in #esteem4 years ago

You are way nicer than me. I don’t have the stomach to hear excuses and stories from people but some are stuck in their ways. I feel like they are chemically addicted to drama.

Chemically addicted to drama, lol I like that. haha

Maybe I put up with too much. Sometimes it's just easier to say yes to people, and I do have compassion for those in need, being someone who was homeless for the better part of ten years and no one really helped me get out of it or seemed to care..

That being said, I had to stop feeling like a victim and just do what I had to do. You're absolutely right, self defeating attitude will keep people perpetually stuck in a rut.

I'm a stubborn bullheaded Taurus, it took me a long time to finally realize that.

Thank you for your thoughts, I think you're a super nice person :)


I’m your Taurus sister but stubborn from the other direction. For me, I tell people that I will say NO 99% of the time. It takes a bit of spending time in jnetsworld to win my YES. It’s the way people know they’ve leveled up.

I’ve not been homeless but know what lean times feel. I’ve been taken advantage of in the past that others would find it justifiable that I wear the badge of victim but that is repugnant to me. I stubbornly don’t like defeat but will take time to rebuild myself and “fight again” for myself. People close to me will notice that I go on radio silence when I’m struggling. Otherwise, I prefer to live with bounce in my soul.

Life is hard but knowing how I fight whatever dark powers that may be, I’ve found that I am not equipped to take on other people’s demons.

Thank you for saying you think I’m nice. From a person that habitually says NO to people, I think you will find that people will honor and respect least the ones that truly care about you.

Saying NO to others is a way to love yourself.


Posted using Partiko iOS

Well you did say yes to taking futuremind out of your virtual cemetery ;)

People close to me will notice that I go on radio silence when I’m struggling. Otherwise, I prefer to live with bounce in my soul.

I can definitely relate to this!

Thank you for taking the time to share your insights, I appreciate you @jnetsworld!