
These are beautiful.
2 of my many passions in life are photography and gardening. This mixes well. You've done an amazing job documenting the lifespan of this amazing cactus. Thanks for sharing.

Thank you @alliski for your kind words. Photography and gardening are noble passions. I am sure you derived a lot of pleasure, satisfaction and inspiration from both. Have a great weekend.

What an amazing plant! I had never heard of this before, and now I think I need to get one! I'm so glad yours survived and is blooming. It's so beautiful!

Thank you @goat-girlz. They will thrive well in open areas. A pot, in my opinion is a bit restrictive for them.

I hope that things are not too hectic and you are able to take a little break over the weekend.

Queen of the night might be one of the most unusual flowers I've ever heard about. Thank you. It looks like it grows out of the leaf not the stem.

You are welcome. Indeed, the flower grows from the leaf, not the stem. That is another unusual thing about it. :-)

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Thank you @esteenapp for your support.

Howdy sir Vincent! what a magnificent flower! wow. But it only blooms for one night? And then what, the flower dies? Does that make sense?

One night only. The flower is dead in the morning. It doesn't have to make sense. That is life. :-)

but that's no fair sir Vincent! That beautiful of a flower and it only lasts one night? who designed it that way anyway? lol.

Sometimes good people die young too. Is that fair? It's not fair nor unfair. Such is life. It is not the length of life but the quality of life that matters.:-)

howdy sir Vincent! yes, life is not fair at all because of ...well I won't get into that you can thank me. lol...but the quality nailed that one!