Esteem's Desktop App for Windows AND Linux SUCKS!

in #esteem6 years ago (edited)

Esteem Logo.jpg

Dear Mr Google,

Please tell the whole wide world that I am one unhappy chappy right now. In my quest to bother with all settings everywhere - because that little gear icon one sees on so many software these days that almost begs to be rolled around - I may have somehow threw a screw in the works.

But I don't think so.

There's all me being humble finished for now. See, I downloaded the desktop application for SteemIt, called Esteem, and tried running it on my Linux machine. Sure it opens, but that's about all. I cannot log in. I cannot even see any news, blog posts, nothing, nada. The little circle just keeps on churning, with no internet connection happening. That is despite no firewall blocking anything, no settings bothered with up to that stage, or even me cursing too loudly.

So I ran over to my Windows machine, downloaded the correct version, and hit the executable file. The app opens. My eyes blinked. May even have flashed a dollar sign of excitement for a moment. But again... unable to log in. No news or blog posts showing. The little circle once again only swirled around.

I went to you, oh god Google, for advice. You're one sucky god too, I must say. I found a few other people with the same problem, and the best advice I could find is to hit the Advanced tab at the login panel, and select another server there. I did so. I had to type out the second server's name, and then tried logging in again. Still no results. And upon trying the third server - which is also the last one on the list, something about Piston - the whole app went blank and just hang there. Couldn't even change the servers back. Closed the app down, opened up again, same story. As white as snow and as useless as a snow Mexican.

So now I'm all stumped. Anyone with advice, drop it right here in my comments section. Of the three mobile apps for Android I tested Esteem came out on top. But their desktop app is really not the kind of thing to be mentioned in good company at present.

And by the way, does anyone know if one can use Open Live Writer to post to SteemIt? OLW is really a stunning program, as successor to Windows Live Writer. Posts really great to WordPress, Blogger, and many other.