Ethereum - More Options and Now more Security!

in #eth7 years ago

Bitcoin is the 1st mover so it is king right now...

but the main developer of bitcoin said that the monetary part is just the beginning of blockchain tech.

Etherium may be the one

(there will be others as well) that is taking advantage of the blockchain better than bitcoin.

More options, and on an earlier thread I mentioned one problem with bitcoin is a 51% attack, in my view unlikely but possible. Etherium is proving to be more secure in that area as well.

That is a significant development because a higher level of security means that a higher level of value can be stored due to an increased cost for a 51% attack, but that’s just in proof of work (PoW).

Please let me know what you think about this in the comments, and if you found this helpful please consider upvoting, resteeming, sending steem, bitcoin, ethereum or any other cryptos to support, it would be appreciated greatly!

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Winning Trade Room
Indicators / System - The Oil Money
Paul Counsel - Mentoring
Paul Counsel's "Learn How To Multiply The Value Of Your Money Without Having To Get More Money To Do It"
Top Step Trader - Trade other people's money

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BTC- 1KZPZ6t1YcoWKU9h4SQFsB1FYPCcriftvg
ETH- 0xC14eC7f0beeaC51fE124fDD2bd76D423c9f9A4A6
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