Boosteroid ICO - Cheap Cloud Services Platform

in #ethereum7 years ago

This one does a few things different than usual ICOs that you are used too. They also claim they have started work on this already.

tldr; They are already building computing facilities then with an app and BTR tokens (used in ICO) you will eb able to rent cloud services directly from their datacenter with 2 clicks of a mouse. They can be used for video processing, creating 3D-graphics or playing games that require high computer devices.

They say they want to compete with giants like Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud because using their own hardware and the ICO funds they will be able to get lower prices for clients and easier signup and usage process due to blockchain technology.

Things to consider

  • They will burn nonsold tokens
  • They plan to rebuy tokens from market when they will start earning to raise their value
  • ICO is already running and got close to 5 millions USD so far
  • Project will start disregarding if ICO goals are made

Live Demo

Currently, on their website you can try their computing power on machien learning with 2 MB images and compare pricing of other services for same work.


Started November 27 and runs to December 11, 2017.
Starting price: BTR = $1.08
Final price: BTR = $1.38
Total number of BTR tokens: 300 000 000
Prices depend on tiem of joining and amounts bought.


Follow, Resteem and VOTE UP @kingscrown creator of blog for 0day cryptocurrency news and tips!


ICOs are pumping left and right.
Do your due diligence and invest wisely.
Keep on steemit

We agree that many ICOs are conducted with the aim of fraud. But we try to be as transparent as possible to future users and investors.

Nice one)

great post! please check a new coin that I love, its called crypviser, is a messager app like whatsapp on blockchain.. I wrote an article about it.. it would be great if you could share your thoughts about it.. ;)

Well the idea with they came in market is really great and dare you to compete with others Giants may bring some attention to them.

Thanks for your reply, feedback is very important to us)
The project is already under construction, ICO for us to speed up this process

Nice info @kingscrown
Very good of you to share this. I have a feeling that this project will work and the ICO will be a success... Will check it out. Thanks for sharing

Thank you for trusting), we have already begun the implementation of the project, ICO is important for accelerating this process.
On our site, you can try the demo version of Boosteroid

Hey my friend it's really get to know about this Ico . .. and the vesion is great

Thank you, we are trying to make the project as transparent as possible to everyone.)

What's the need for a token/blockchain if they are just renting computing space?

Our token is tied to the service Boosteroid, 1 token is equal to 1 hour of work in Boosteroid.
You can also later exchange them for any currency on the exchange at a higher price. You can see our business model on our website.

I'd rather invest in projects that are already working and providing value, like Steemit!

We can agree with you, no one wants to risk investments.
But, unlike other projects, we have already started implementation.

At the moment, our capacity is more than 0.5 petaflops

Wake me up when ICOs start selling equity-backed tokens, still skeptic about the long-term value of utility tokens

This is a great space to be in for an ICO-based only concerns are:

  1. How will Amazon respond? They recently bought up a ton of crypto domain names, have a proven track record of being on the forefront of technological advancements, and could roll out a similar service overnight.

  2. Microsoft recently struck a deal with IOTA to power access to data, couldn't they just do the same thing, too?

These players already have such services, but they are more focused on narrow specialization.
Our idea is to make the service absolutely accessible to everyone, for any type of customers.
In order not to buy an expensive laptop for games, you can use Boosteroid.
This is just one example of using our service.

Keep free markets and make money. Rock on!!

This post has received a 6.92 % upvote from @booster thanks to: @kingscrown.

This post has received a 80.00 % upvote from @kittybot thanks to: @kingscrown.

I mean uoy are right

This post has received gratitude of 6.86 % from @appreciator thanks to: @kingscrown.

This post has received a 18.86 % upvote from @boomerang thanks to: @kingscrown

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thanks good job

Is this another ERC-20 token? I highly doubt that they can give Amazon, Google or Microsoft a run for their money. I mean, don't get me wrong there are some really great innovations coming out of blockchain but the fact of the matter is you still need servers and computing power to run the blockchain and it's bulky and expensive. This doesnt really solve a problem in the world that I can tell.

We are not going to bypass the company's giants. Our goal is to create a service that will be available to each user at an affordable price.

The matter is that the project has its own investors, who already help in the implementation. ICO will help us speed up the whole process and start earlier. At the moment, our capacity is already over 0.5 petaflop.

When you have the computing power of millions of computers, rather than a few servers, you can compete. A single computer or server does not "run the block chain," a series of computers do. That is the great thing about the blockchain. The more users who allow use of the blockchain, the more powerful it becomes.

Yes, you are right to provide the world level, we need thousands of servers.
But first of all our task is to provide a service accessible to everyone. First we care about users.

Well I certainly appreciate an official response, that is certainly where you differ from many other projects.

Thanks for the questions and your feedback)

Really Good idea.

Thank you for rating)

This sounds like a sweet merger of cloud services and crypto, I'm interested

Thats really get to know about this Ico and its great idea with they come in market @kingscrown 👍👍

Informative Post, Thank you

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I see Lots of emerging and sometimes promising ICOs popping out daily.
Do you think voluminous ICOs emergence in the coin market will still make cryptocurrency a safe haven for fintech transaction?
Thanks for the info @kingscrown

How does this compare with CloudToken CLD ? CLD allows you to buy AWS / Azure , etc. at a discount if you have CLD tokens. Aren't the two almost similar ?

This post has received a 32.45 % upvote from @sneaky-ninja thanks to: @kingscrown.

Decentralized application and services are now , giving tough competition to the giants like Google, Facebook , Microsoft. Great work , looking forward to connect with this cloud service.

We will have centralized capacity.

I see.... Nice post

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Hay, awesome post and a brilliant idea. Hoping to get more videos like this

The project is very interesting, but they need a lot of money to compete with the big players.

Thanks for the answer. Yes, the project requires a lot of investment. Our goal is to make cloud computing much more accessible than now.

SiaTech is already working this market and has a pretty solid dev team. SiaCoin itself is still dirt cheap, much cheaper than the starting price for Boosteroid. I am not saying this ico isn't something to invest in, just letting yall know this idea is already in the works with an established team and community.

SiaTech is a decentralized platform.
Boosreroid is based on its own capabilities, with flexible performance settings

Very interesting and educative content.

awesome information, thanks for you. :)

If the potential customers of Boosteroid already have a computer to actually access Boosteroid, then how is this service useful or cheaper than the cloud computing competitors.

By the way, the video's implication that AWS & Google Cloud are expensive and only for the privileged class is absurd-- those services couldn't possibly be any cheaper, the prices have gone nothing but down with time, as fast as prices can go down. It'll be surprising if AWS is even profitable anymore given how rabid the price reductions have been.

so is your service ONLY applicable to those with really slow computers, who wish to have access to a faster one-- such as in your gaming example? seems like a rather small niche.

Use for games is one of the examples when Boosteroid can come in handy.
If you need to perform more complex tasks, this is also possible with the help of Boosteroid.
From our own experience of large-scale calculations, we found out that we can provide a price lower than that of AWS.

And if you take the game as an example, then on AWS there is no way to play.
Even users with powerful machines can rent a cloudy Boosteroid, for complex calculations.

This is perfect for solo developers...
The MS Azure and AWS server is not affordable for individual :(
Hope this will work, I always have faith in blockchain

Thank you for appreciating our project )

Post is good, but I don't think they can make enough to get a piece of pie of Monsters in this field.

Congratulations @kingscrown!
Your post was mentioned in the hit parade in the following categories:

  • Upvotes - Ranked 5 with 623 upvotes
  • Pending payout - Ranked 5 with $ 154,92

Good idea!

Friends, thank you all for the feedback, this is very important for us. This helps us to go in the right direction.

That looks really interesting. Just as others have said and even you did - making your own research is the most important factor here. Most of new ICOs can't be trusted to be honest. Many are scams, many are vulnerable to Pump and Dump.
You have to know your place with ICOs and play around your strengths. It's not such an easy market like it was the in the past, when there were so many less people involved into it :)