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RE: Monthly Income Report for December 2020

in #exxp3 years ago

Oh sorry, the job hasn't been up in the air... they've been extremely patient with me... I've been waiting since March to get my US work visa changed from my current company to the new one. Usually I'd rock over the border to Canada to the US consulate... it takes less than a minute to change... but with the consulates closed and the current Administration gutting USCIS as a hard line against immigration, I've been caught in the crossfires. It's super could arrive tomorrow or never, and there's nothing really to do but wait.

I think the two executives at Ripple will be forced to pay a fine and that'll be the end of it. I really didn't expect so many Exchanges to panic and drop XRP altogether. They're worried it'll be deemed a security instead of a currency, but my understanding that isn't the point of the lawsuit, it's really just about how and when those two execs sold their holdings.

Awesome! I'm totally ready to see more creative stylings of aweber! I want to be way more active on Hive too, it's been weird jumping back in and only seeing a couple of familiar faces.

Yes! We're about 45 minutes outside of Portland in the forest and love it. Our little 5 acre plot has been incredible during lockdown. We feel ridiculously lucky.


Gotcha, well that seems kind of stressful! I hope you get everything you need with the visa here soon!

Tell me more about this 5 acre plot in the forest. That sounds amazing, and I can't wait to be invited to come see it (once vaccinated). ;)

Well! We're deep in the Oregon forest with our little sheeps. We can't see any of our neighbours, but we do get visited daily by our friendly neighbourhood deer, chimpmunks, squirrels and trash pandas. My partner can make as much musical noise as she likes without disturbing anyone and I've got a ninja gym set up with obstacles that are legitimately too hard for me.... and, of course you'd be invited once the US stops being on fire.