Rise of Kingdoms: First Steps Every Player Should Know

in #exxp11 months ago
Rise of Kingdoms: First Steps Every Player Should Know

Rise of Kingdoms: First Steps Every Player Should Know

1. Resource Management:

Proper resource management is crucial in Rise of Kingdoms. Focus on gathering resources efficiently, upgrade resource buildings, and participate in resource events to ensure a steady supply. Allocate resources wisely to support your civilization's growth and development.

2. Quests and Objectives:

Engage in quests and objectives to earn rewards and experience. Prioritize completing daily quests and main storyline objectives to gain valuable resources, commander experience, and other essential items. Regularly check the quest list and plan your activities accordingly.

3. Alliance Participation:

Joining an alliance offers various benefits, including support from alliance members and access to alliance-specific events. Seek an active alliance, participate in alliance activities, and contribute to the alliance's growth and defense. Collaboration with allies is essential for long-term success.

4. Research and Technology:

Invest in research and technology to unlock new technologies, buffs, and advantages. Prioritize research that aligns with your gameplay style and objectives. Develop a well-rounded tech tree to enhance your civilization's capabilities in various aspects.


The first steps in Rise of Kingdoms lay the foundation for success. By focusing on resource management, engaging in quests, joining an alliance, and investing in research and technology, you set yourself on a path towards efficient progression and domination. Arm yourself with knowledge, adapt your strategies, and conquer the world of Rise of Kingdoms!


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