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RE: Introducing Exxp - the rebranded and much improved replacement to the steempress plugin

in #exxp • 4 years ago

That's great to hear!:) We'll take a look at the footer and see if there's anything different🤔

Don't forget to also leave it a good rating and review in the plug-in store;), it helps us a lot!:)


Aha! I literally just gave you a review now along with a couple of others and following on Twitter!

I have just updated and made some modification to the footer in the plug-in. Seems to add a space between the br and / <br /> which may knock the formatting a little bit - I noticed this in the previous plug-in but I managed to sort it somehow (probably should have copied the footer I used before shipping out the old plugin haha).

E.G. today's blog - instead of it being a link it would be showing [link](with the url instead) in the footer but I'll keep playing, usually takes a couple of goes to get the footer but everything else - spot on!