Introducing the Terrific Team Build

in #exxp3 years ago

Hey there Dear Readers!

So, I've been reviewing my Terrific 10+ plan and I had an AHA Moment! It seems it is advanced and was leaving some folks behind. Certainly not the intention, so I decided to create a group and a plan for everyone that can lead to having the necessary resources to attain T10+ Status. The goal of T10+ is to create 1k per month earners. But we must walk before we run, right? So introducing...

The Terrific Team Build!

As with T10+ it all begins with Trafficleads2incomeVM. See your sponsor if you are not a member. TL2IVM is not only my site. but it has a comprehensive downline builder to guide you into recommended programs for you. It has lots of future capability for you, which we'll get to. Now, note WowApp from the TL2IVM Downline Builder, Income Section. It is not only a messenger but also starts the earning process for you before you are able to refer people. I am ghcamry there, so be sure to add me as a friend and I will add you to our group. Next, we present CryptoPros. Also in the Income Section it gives you another earner. Earning is simple, just login daily and make sure you view the login spotlight. That's it! Now, ask your sponsor to upgrade you to Level 1. This is the pay it forward part of our strategy and will allow you to earn even more daily. As you learn to sponsor, you will then have the opportunity to PIF your team for as low as $5. This builds their confidence and trust in your as well. If we all follow the plan as a team, the potential is HUGE as there are 10 Level to work with and cycling that can happen at each level. For anyone that shows in our levels, we place in our special group on WowApp. The plan that you are reading now is the plan that we follow.

Special Bonuses for being a part of our Team Build:

  1. Entry in our WowApp Group
  2. Access to this plan
  3. 30 Day Upgrade at Trafficleads2incomeVM that can be extended per my discretion
  4. 7 Step List Building plan with Free AutoResponder option via LeadsLeap which is in the Downline Building Section of the TL2IVM Downline Builder
  5. Access to a special paid traffic funnel for this plan

Finally, we offer you Genesis Lifestyle Network which is our largest income earner with commissions up to 1200d. You can join FREE and earn 10%, go ALL IN VIP to earn 100%, or take a level in between. The idea is you are using your earnings to help you with that. That is the great part of this group. To learn, grow, scale up, and prosper!

Here’s to your Massive Success in 2021!

Rob Gehring – Owner of Trafficleads2incomeVM and Mentor/Coach for Team Massive Success

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