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RE: Vlog 374: Current Steem prices will be fantastic long-term for the Steem Blockchain as distribution improves daily.

in #exyle6 years ago

I love the communities on Steem blockchain and the people that post good content, but recently I watched a live stream with @ned and I was impressed, to say the least!

  • people were only able to watch it on youtube, why not use vmm or other platform on a blockchain? There is even dlive...

  • I get it, the guy looks good, sweet talks, plays the guitar, sings good... but I am not watching for his looks nor the songs and the guitars.

  • I am watching to tell me what is working on the inside.
    Why is still looks like 1999 website?

  • I am watching to see some excitement about the project, instead he was more excited about the "mission" to stick to the script and change screens from him to @steemitblog .. yeah sure, that was the problem.

The whole point of live streaming is communication with your viewers, reading and answering questions live.

So beside the repetitive sweet talks and some guitar sounds there was nothing else.
The live stream ended with a tilted man and not a single piece of valuable information shared with the viewers.

It felt like his way of thinking is very much of centralization.


Suddenly I felt worried about the future of this blockchain.

Here is a link of the live stream I am talking about:

it all started even further back tho, when I saw this post:

  • Why would the CEO of social platform steemit would make a 3 line shitpost promoting his profile pages on other platforms?

It does not make sense. If you want to make a post informing something your followers, just do it on your platform. Is he not believing enough in his platform?

Why should we?


I understand @ned and he is promoting STEEM to the Normies by using YT and bring awareness to people outside STEEM.

I'll help him with his vision rather than forming opinions. Sorry if I sound rude but I find so many people talking about others but not finding people doing something to make Steem a better place!
