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RE: What are the Economic incentives to buy and hold large amounts of Steem Power?

in #exyle5 years ago

I guess I was thinking that, even for a dapp, if lets say 20K SP is all it takes for them to have a fully operational app with thousands of users interacting etc using their RC pool, I can't find a reason why the price of Steem would go up in the future?. Unless we are talking about thousands of dapps here...


I think to figure out how more activity would play out with the current RC settings one would have to be better a modeling what more use would look like.

I have shared your concern, currently it seems like we have a lot we can do with a little steem, but remember that changes with more users the RC credits get more expensive vs. remaining static.

I don't have any answers, just though I would bring up the point that you can't model it around today's userbase if you want to grow the user base.

I don’t think the focus will only be on dapps. Perhaps thousands of communities, with owners, admins, ability to pin posts, mute posts etc will put many more people than just dapp owners the ownership mentality and look out for the growth of these communities. I do think communities will have SMTs too even without a dapp, looking at the structure of communities on betasteemit.

Another thing that may help price is it being the base currency or pair against smt like btc is. Plus I foresee people coming from outside too, to make use of a decentralized exchange perhaps to hold or trade steem or SMTs that have gain popularity.

Another incentive to buy steem is for claiming accounts. Accounts may not seem so valuable now but it can grow valuable. Even in recent times it has grown more valuable. One steem account accessing hundreds of dapps.

Accounts may not seem so valuable now but it can grow valuable.

I'll drink to that